[高级口译历年真题] 新东方:2010春高口听力Passage Translation参考答案
1. Supervisors from the University of Califonia decided to raise the tuition by more than 2,500 dollars by next fall to bridge a budget deficit. According to a plan approved by the finance commitee o2010-03-16 编辑:sunny
[高级口译历年真题] 新东方:2010春高口汉译英形不散神不散
高级口译中译英部分散文一直是我们强调的重点。这一次,散文再次如约而至。汉语散文形散神不散,翻译成英语,我们要做到“形不散神不散”,采用多种连接方式把散乱的信息串连起来。并列信息我们比较容易把握,通过简2010-03-16 编辑:sunny
[高级口译历年真题] 新东方:2010春高级口译英译汉权威解析
今年的高级口译考试翻译部分难度颇高,在考前的备考冲刺阶段,笔者曾撰文指出09年中口翻译部分题材大变,偏重考文艺类小品文,并分析了应对策略。如今来看,文艺风似乎已经从中口吹到了高口。本次考试英译汉部分,是2010-03-16 编辑:sunny
[高级口译历年真题] 3.14高口翻译名师视频点评
2010-03-16 编辑:sunny
[高级口译历年真题] 新东方:2010春高口Sentence Translation即时点评
1.According to some environmental pressure groups, the next five years is a critical period for the rainforests. If we don't take action in this period, the rainforests will disappear in ten ye..2010-03-15 编辑:sunny
[中级口译历年真题] 新东方:2010春中口听力段落翻译解析
1.America is a nation on wheels. Most Americans are car owners, and some are even obsessive about the subject. They can spend hours discussing whether to buy a foreign car or an American car, and dec2010-03-15 编辑:sunny
[中级口译历年真题] 新东方:2010春中级口译英译汉权威译文
The recession has hit middle-income and poor families hardest, widening the economic gap between the richest and poorest Americans as rippling job layoffs ravaged household budgets.在经济衰退中,损失2010-03-15 编辑:sunny
[中级口译历年真题] 新东方:2010春中口译英译汉点评
2010年春季的中级口译笔试终于圆满落幕了,虽然考试已经结束,但同学或忐忑或激动的心情仍有延续。那我们趁热打铁,和大家聊聊翻译。翻译部分的难度适中,和过去的题目相比难度差别不大,英译汉的部分是关于经济衰退2010-03-15 编辑:sunny
[高级口译历年真题] 新东方:2010春高口阅读Q&A篇章解析
Every fall the professors at Beloit College publish their Mindset List, a dictionary of all the deeply ingrained cultural references that will make no sense to the bright-eyed students of the incomin2010-03-15 编辑:sunny