[高级口译词汇] 高级口译教程第三版配套核心词汇(5)
国际关系第一篇纪念……成立……周年 commemorate ….anniversary of the founding of恪守承诺 commitment to联合国宪章宗旨和原则 the purpose and the principles of the UN Charter善邻之道 live together in pe2010-08-03 编辑:sunny
[汉英口译实践] 口译翻译长难句:史上最强百句长难句(9)
1. The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological journals harder for a mateurs, a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing, first by nati2010-08-03 编辑:sunny
[汉英口译实践] 高级口译翻译汉英口译实践40篇(9)
第9篇 全面合作我们双方已一致同意建立面向21世纪的睦邻互信伙伴关系。为了实现这个目标,我愿在这里提出以下几点意见:ur two sides have agreed to establish a good-neighborly partnership of mutual trust ori2010-08-03 编辑:sunny
[高级口译词汇] 高级口译教程第三版配套核心词汇(4)
大会发言第一篇20国集团 g 20(group of 20)央行行长 Central Bank Governor生物科技 bio-technology科技进步日新月异 science and technology haave been making continuous progress金融风暴 financial turbulence2010-08-02 编辑:sunny
[口试辅导] 新东方中高级口译口语高频模板及范文(5)
41) “...” That is how one of the great minds/scientists/writers remarked on... (e.g. “Happiness, like an old friend, is inclined to drop in unexpectedly— when youre working hard on something2010-08-02 编辑:sunny
[汉英口译实践] 口译翻译长难句:史上最强百句长难句(8)
1. But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river--a2010-08-02 编辑:sunny
[汉英口译实践] 高级口译翻译汉英口译实践40篇(8)
第8篇 中餐烹饪与菜系说起中餐,人们都知道中餐烹饪以其“色、香、味、形”俱全而著称于世。中国悠久的历史、广袤的疆土、好客的习俗,这些都孕育了中餐烹饪的独特艺术。中餐烹饪讲究原料的选配、食物的质地、佐料的2010-08-02 编辑:sunny
[高级口译词汇] 高级口译教程第三版配套核心词汇(3)
人物访谈第一篇:国际清算银行行长 president of the Bank for international settlements宏观经济 macroeconomic浮动汇率 floating foreign exchange rateworld economic projection 世界经济预计impetus 动力reas2010-07-30 编辑:sunny
[汉英口译实践] 口译翻译长难句:史上最强百句长难句(7)
1.But,for a small group of students, professional training might be the way to go since well-developed skills, all other factors being equal, can be the difference between having a job and not.[参考译2010-07-30 编辑:sunny