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  • [诗歌] 诗歌:Whatever You Say, Say 

    Seamus Heaney"Religion's never mentioned here", of course."You know them by their eyes," and hold your tongue."One side's as bad as the other," never worse.Ch..

    2008-02-17 编辑:admin

  • [诗歌] 诗歌:From The Frontier Of W

    Seamus HeaneyThe tightness and the nilness round that spacewhen the car stops in the road, the troops inspectits make and number and, as one bends his facetowards your window, you catch sight of more

    2008-02-17 编辑:admin

  • [诗歌] 诗歌:Digging

    Seamus HeaneyBetween my finger and my thumbThe squat pen rests; as snug as a gun.Under my window a clean rasping soundWhen the spade sinks into gravelly ground:My father, digging. I look downTill hi

    2008-02-17 编辑:admin

  • [诗歌] 诗歌:Churning Day

    Seamus HeaneyA thick crust, coarse-grained as limestone rough-cast,hardened gradually on top of the four crocksthat stood, large pottery bombs, in the small pantry.After the hot brewery of gland, cu

    2008-02-05 编辑:admin

  • [诗歌] 诗歌:For the Union Dead-Robert&n

    "Relinquunt Omnia Servare Rem Publicam."The old South Boston Aquarium standsIn a Sahara of snow now. Its broken windows are boarded.The bronze weathervane cod has lost half its scales. The..

    2008-02-05 编辑:admin

  • [诗歌] 诗歌:The last Night that Sh

    Emily DickinsonThe last Night that She livedIt was a Common NightExcept the Dying -- this to UsMade Nature different We noticed smallest things --Things overlooked beforeBy this great light upon our

    2008-02-05 编辑:admin

  • [诗歌] 诗歌:Spring And All (Excerpts)

    William Carlos WilliamsBy the road to the contagious hospitalunder the surge of the bluemottled clouds driven from thenortheast — a cold wind. Beyond, thewaste of broad, muddy fieldsbrown with drie

    2008-02-05 编辑:admin

  • [诗歌] 诗歌:A Red, Red Rose

    Robert Burns(1759–1796)O my luve is like a red, red rose,That's newly sprung in June;O my luve is like the melodieThat's sweetly played in tune.As fair thou art, my bonie lass,So deep in ..

    2008-02-05 编辑:admin

  • [诗歌] 诗歌:Poem

    William Carlos Williams (1883-1963)As the catclimbed overthe top ofthe jamclosetfirst the rightforefootcarefullythen the hindstepped downinto the pit ofthe emptyflowerpot

    2008-02-05 编辑:admin

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