

您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 诗歌 的文章共有:655
  • [经典诗歌] 经典小诗:下雨天 The Rainy Day

    The day is cold, and dark, and dreary; It rains, and the wind is never weary;天冷、阴暗、沉闷; 下着雨,风也刮个不停;The vine still clings to the moldering wall,藤还攀附着颓垣残壁,But at every gust

    2012-06-18 编辑:Jasmine

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:诗歌的力量

    Books and arts;book review;文艺;书评;James Fenton's poetry;Flower power;詹姆士.芬顿的诗;诗歌的力量;A modern master goes from strength to strength;一位逐渐成长起来的当代诗坛巨匠;

    2012-06-13 编辑:melody

  • [经典诗歌] 经典诗歌:我如云般孤独漂浮

    I wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o'er vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host, of golden daffodils;Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in th

    2012-06-04 编辑:Jasmine

  • [经典诗歌] 经典小诗:晚安 Good Night

    Good Night晚安Seamus Heaney谢默斯•希尼A latch lifting, an edged cave of lightOpens across the yard. Out of the low doorThey stoop in to the honeyed corridor,Then walk straight through the wall

    2012-06-01 编辑:Jasmine

  • [经典诗歌] 经典诗歌:风景线 Scenic Route

    For Lucy, who called them

    2012-05-25 编辑:Jasmine

  • [经典诗歌] 经典小诗:我二十一岁的时候

    《我二十一岁的时候》是阿尔弗雷德·爱德华·豪斯曼(Alfred Edward Housman)的名篇。诗中的智者告诫青年不要随便敞开爱的心门,轻易交出真心。我们曾以为,真心付出就一定会换来同样的爱。心诚则灵,这只是我们自

    2012-05-22 编辑:Jasmine

  • [经典诗歌] 经典诗歌:生如逆旅 Life is a Journey

    人生难免有选择,没有人知道哪条是正道。正如Jack London的这篇Life is a Journey(生如逆旅)所说的,“Choosing is the byname of freedom.”既然我们还有选择的余地,我们便已比一些人自由了。就放胆去选择吧,坚

    2012-04-28 编辑:Jasmine

  • [经典诗歌] 经典诗歌:在我母亲的两幅肖像前

    I love the beautiful young girl of thisportrait, my mother, painted years agowhen her forehead was white, and there was noshadow in the dazzling 1)Venetian glassof her gaze. But this other likeness s

    2012-04-20 编辑:Jasmine

  • [经典诗歌] 经典诗歌:Patience 忍耐

    Patience忍耐 Tagore泰戈尔If thou speakest notI will fill my heart with the silence and endure it.I will keep still and waitlike the night with starry vigiland its head bent low with patience.如果你不

    2012-04-19 编辑:Jasmine

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