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  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:the Daisy

    the Daisyby Hans Christian Andersen(1838)  NOW listen! In the country, close by the high road, stood a farmhouse; perhaps you have passed by and seen it yourself. There was a little flower ga

    2008-03-13 编辑:echo

  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:the Goloshes of Fortune

    the Goloshes of Fortune by Hans Christian Andersen(1838)  * A Beginning  * What Happened to the Counsellor  * the Watchman's Adventures  * the Eventful Moment—a Most Unusual Journey  *

    2008-03-13 编辑:echo

  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:The Talisman

    The TalismanA Prince and a Princess were still celebrating their honeymoon. They were extremely happy; only one thought disturbed them, and that was how to retain their present happiness. For that

    2008-03-13 编辑:echo

  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:This Fable is Intended&n

    This Fable is Intended for YouWise men of ancient times ingeniously discovered how to tell people the truth without being blunt to their faces. You see, they held a magic mirror before the people,

    2008-03-13 编辑:echo

  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:the SWINEHERD

    the SWINEHERD  there was once a poor Prince, who had a kingdom. His kingdom was very small,but still quite large enough to marry upon; and he wished to marry.  It was certainly rather cool of

    2008-03-13 编辑:echo

  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:the LEAP-FROG

    the LEAP-FROG  A Flea, a Grasshopper, and a Leap-frog once wanted to see which could jump highest; and they invited the whole world, and everybody else besides who chose to come to see the fest

    2008-03-13 编辑:echo

  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:the RED SHOES

    the RED SHOES  there was once a little girl who was very pretty and delicate, but in summer she was forced to run about with bare feet, she was so poor, and in winter wear very large wooden shoe

    2008-03-13 编辑:echo

  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:the Elfin Hil

    the Elfin Hilby Hans Christian Andersen(1845)  AFEW large lizards were running nimbly about in the clefts of an old tree; they could understand one another very well, for they spoke the lizard

    2008-03-13 编辑:echo

  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:the ELDERBUSH接骨木树妈妈

    the ELDERBUSH  Once upon a time there was a little boy who had taken cold. He had gone out and got his feet wet; though nobody could imagine how it had happened, for it was quite dry weather. So

    2008-03-13 编辑:echo

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