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  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:the Story of the Wi

    the Story of the Windby Hans Christian Andersen(1859)  EAR the shores of the GREat Belt, which is one of the straits that connect the Cattegat with the Baltic, stands an old mansion with thick

    2008-03-07 编辑:echo

  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:the Marsh King's Dau

    the Marsh King's Daughterby Hans Christian Andersen(1858)  the storks relate to their little ones a GREat many stories, and they are all about moors and reed banks, and suited to their age and

    2008-03-07 编辑:echo

  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:the Farm-Yard Cock and&n

    the Farm-Yard Cock and the Weather-Cockby Hans Christian Andersen(1860)  theRE were two cocks—one on the dung-hill, the other on the roof. They were both arrogant, but which of the two rendere

    2008-03-06 编辑:echo

  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:the Psyche普赛克

    the Psycheby Hans Christian Andersen(1861)  IN the fresh morning dawn, in the rosy air gleams a GREat Star, the brightest Star of the morning. His rays tremble on the white wall, as if he wish

    2008-03-06 编辑:echo

  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:the Snow Man雪人

    the Snow Manby Hans Christian Andersen(1861)  T is so delightfully cold,“ said the Snow Man, ”that it makes my whole body crackle. This is just the kind of wind to blow life into one. How tha

    2008-03-06 编辑:echo

  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:A Story from the Sa

    A Story from the Sand-Hillsby Hans Christian Andersen(1860)  THIS story is from the sand-dunes or sand-hills of Jutland, but it does not begin there in the North, but far away in the South, in

    2008-03-06 编辑:echo

  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:the Mail-Coach Passengers搭邮车来

    the Mail-Coach Passengersby Hans Christian Andersen(1861)  IT was bitterly cold, the sky glittered with stars, and not a breeze stirred. “Bump”—an old pot was thrown at a neighbor's door;

    2008-03-06 编辑:echo

  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:The Goblin and the 

    the Goblin and the Hucksterby Hans Christian Andersen(1853)  theRE was once a regular student, who lived in a garret, and had no possessions. And there was also a regular huckster, to whom the

    2008-03-01 编辑:admin

  • [安徒生童话] 安徒生童话:Something做出点样子来

    Somethingby Hans Christian Andersen(1858)  MEAN to be somebody, and do something useful in the world,“ said the eldest of five brothers. ”I don't care how humble my position is, so that I c

    2008-03-01 编辑:admin

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