

您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 国家地理 的文章共有:163
  • [国家地理] 国家地理:“圣徒”死神?

    听力练习Death just isn't what it used to be. Once a month, followers attend mass at the Santa Muerte Shrine and pray to the so-called Death Saint, often depicted as a skeleton dressed in a black clo

    2008-12-26 编辑:echo

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:狗狗天堂在美国

    听力练习From the playful to the practical. To the cute, to the honored, dogs are everywhere in America. Today there are about 70 million dogs in United States alone, one for every four people. But wh

    2008-12-25 编辑:echo

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:小鲸鱼错认游艇为母

    听力练习Animal Conservationists in Australia expressed concern on Tuesday that a lost humpback whale calf separated from its mother could die within days, unless it finds its own mother or another mo

    2008-12-24 编辑:echo

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:旱灾的成因与影响

    听力练习Its signs are subtle and slow: the earth dries; water levels fall; the rains do not come; and the land is gripped by drought. At its most basic, a drought occurs when more water is used than

    2008-12-23 编辑:echo

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:澳洲农业每况愈下

    听力练习In Australia, it’s not just livestock hit hard by draught, but the next generation of farmers. At 24, Robert Watt, a farmer from Alectown, a region of Australia, has had seven seasons on the

    2008-12-22 编辑:echo

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:吉萨金字塔中的地下船

    听力练习Visitors at Egypt's Giza Pyramids on Saturday got a rare opportunity. They were able to catch a glimpse inside an underground chamber, just south of the Great Pyramid containing the pieces o

    2008-12-21 编辑:echo

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:非洲采矿童工状况堪忧

    听力练习Every week, more children arrive to work in the hundreds of primitive mines in the bush. Here they endure long hours at dangerous jobs, wringing flecks of gold from the dirt with mercury. One

    2008-12-20 编辑:echo

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:旅游业发展威胁吴哥窟未来

    听力练习Cambodia’s ancient temples at Angkor Wat are under threat from the large numbers of tourists who are now visiting the site. There are fears that ongoing damage to the temples’ soft stone ma

    2008-12-19 编辑:echo

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:残疾乌龟重获自由

    听力练习Arava, the disabled tortoise is using her new set of wheels to get around in more ways than one. Keepers at the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo say the 10-year-old Spurred Tortoise was fitted with cus

    2008-12-18 编辑:echo

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