

您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 国家地理 的文章共有:163
  • [国家地理] 国家地理:吴哥窟古庙备受威胁

    文本Cambodia’s ancient temples at Angkor Wat are under threat from the large numbers of tourists who are now visiting the site. There are fears that ongoing damage to the temples’ soft stone may me

    2009-07-20 编辑:jessica

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:非洲采矿童工状况堪忧

    文本及参考翻译Every week, more children arrive to work in the hundreds of primitive mines in the bush. Here they endure long hours at dangerous jobs, wringing flecks of gold from the dirt with mercur

    2009-07-17 编辑:jessica

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:埃及吉萨金字塔

    文本及翻译Visitors at Egypt's Giza Pyramids on Saturday got a rare opportunity. They were able to catch a glimpse inside an underground chamber, just south of the Great Pyramid containing the pieces

    2009-07-16 编辑:jessica

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:澳洲农业每况愈下

    文本及翻译In Australia, it’s not just livestock hit hard by draught, but the next generation of farmers. At 24, Robert Watt, a farmer from Alectown, a region of Australia, has had seven seasons on t

    2009-07-15 编辑:jessica

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:凯撒利亚

    简介巴勒斯坦西部城市,滨临地中海。始建于腓尼基时期,罗马帝国统治时期为巴勒斯坦 最重要的港口,并曾为首府。存有当时港市的遗迹如城墙、防波堤、剧场等。1940年成为犹太人居民点。现为一海滨休养地,建有旅馆、

    2009-07-14 编辑:jessica

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:西班牙的蕃茄节

    文本每年8月最后一个星期三,在西班牙巴伦西亚地区的布尼奥尔小镇都举行一年一度的民间传统节日番茄节——“番茄大战”(Tomatina - Tomato Fight)。“参战”和“观战”的人数达4万多人。布尼奥尔的“番茄大战”

    2009-07-13 编辑:jessica

  • [在线电视] 美国国家地理频道在线直播

    国家地理频道(国际)(National Geographic Channels International ,NGCI) 透过不断创新的节目,邀请全球观众一起重新思考对於原来认知的电视及世界的看法。国家地理频道(国际)是国家地理电视、福斯娱乐集团合组

    2009-02-20 编辑:admin

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:Rosetta航天探测器

    听力练习The European Space Agency’s deep space probe Rosetta transmitted high-resolution images of an asteroid millions of miles from Earth. Rosetta caught up with the Steins Asteroid Friday night i

    2008-12-28 编辑:echo

  • [国家地理] 国家地理:印度的双胞胎村

    听力练习The remote village of Kodinji in southern India, population about 13,500, is home to more than 100 pairs of twins, and 90% of those were born within the last 18 years. No one quite knows why,

    2008-12-27 编辑:echo

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