[经济学人文艺系列] 经济学人:寻医问药 In need of therapy
对于一份重视并且不断检验客观真实性的职业来说,梅奥身上体现出来的素养还真是不可或缺的。那些八面玲珑的分析师,吃有美味佳肴,行有私人飞机,去脱衣舞俱乐部快活有人给买单,运气好时还能获得一大笔分红。2013-02-26 编辑:melody
[英文简历范文] 英语简历范文:华尔街银行家疯传的简历
求职信和简历有什么区别?求职信是讲你简历里没有的东西。下面介绍一封让华尔街投行的银行家们为之疯狂的求职信,据说华尔街的大佬们称之为“我收到过的最好的求职信”。2013-01-31 编辑:Aimee
[职场双语] 华尔街银行家疯传:这是我见过的最好的求职信
求职信和简历有什么区别?求职信是讲你简历里没有的东西。下面介绍一封让华尔街投行的银行家们为之疯狂的求职信,据说华尔街的大佬们称之为“我收到过的最好的求职信”。2013-01-25 编辑:ivy
[职场双语] 华尔街面试中12个最激怒人的问题
Here are some of the best interview questions that have been asked at Wall Street firms. Some tests are t2012-11-22 编辑:ivy
[商业报道] 商业报道:伯南克谈占领华尔街及欧债
Unfortunately, we can't disassociate ourselves from Europe, the things that are happening there do affect us. And that's unfortunate fact. I hope very much that Europeans will find a2012-08-03 编辑:melody
[时事新闻] 华尔街基金经理起诉前妻:1200双名牌鞋分我一半
A Wall Street fund manager is suing his poker player ex-wife in an attempt to take ownership of part of her $1 million shoe collection.一位华尔街的基金经理日前起诉他身为扑克职业玩家的前妻。他希望能从2012-06-30 编辑:justxrh
[职场双语] 华尔街告诉你什么专业最好找工作
Wall Street has undergone a radical face lift, but finance industry recruiters are expected to stick to roughly the same formula when looking to fill entry-level positions with college graduates in t2012-06-16 编辑:justxrh
[娱乐资讯] 孙燕姿《华尔街日报》专访:大陆歌迷很奔放
The Wall Street Journal:You have fans across most Chinese-speaking countries in Asia. Do they respond differently to your music?你的粉丝来自亚洲所有使用中文的国家,他们对你的音乐有什么不同的反应吗?M2012-06-07 编辑:justxrh
[校园生活] 华尔街时报头版文章:致毕业生们
Dear Class of 2012: 致2012年毕业的你: Allow me to be the first one not to congratulate you. Through exertions that—let's be honest—were probably less than heroic, most of you hav2012-06-06 编辑:justxrh