[关注社会] 北京街头惊现神秘女超人
Ever fancied meeting up with a superhero? Well you could have, had you been in Beijing this past Christmas Eve. For that was the day a real-life superhero walked the streets of the city, helping out2012-01-09 编辑:jasmine
[环球之旅] 天坛石景山庙会不断 北京的公园忙接待
200,000 visit Beijing parks on Jan 231月23日20万人观光北京公园。A large amount of tourists visit the Tiantan Park (Temple of Heaven) in Beijing, capital of China, Jan 23, 2012. Nearly 200,000 local r2012-01-31 编辑:Jasmine
[托福最新动态] 4月14日托福报名已截止 北京4-5月考位暂满
新东方网4月12日讯 据教育部考试中心托福报名网站显示,目前,4月14日的托福考试报名已经截止。北京地区4-5月考位目前暂时已报满,6月份仍有部分考位;上海地区4-8月考试暂时无考位。新东方网提醒各位同学提前报2012-04-12 编辑:kekenet
[关注社会] “神秘顾客”逛北京三里屯
As would be expected in a city of more than 20m, traffic in Beijing moves at the pace of a blood clot and feels equally lethal. The best strategy for shoppers is to focus all of their energy on a sin2012-05-20 编辑:kekenet
[关注社会] 北京将启动中医进小学课堂
Primary schools in Beijing will open Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) classes during the following semester in order to spread knowledge regarding basic TCM among students, according to the Beijing2012-06-26 编辑:justxrh
[旅游文化] 旅游英语:寻凉战酷暑 北京清凉一夏哪里去?
摘要:炎炎夏日到哪里可以即凉爽又能除去疲惫,完全放松心情呢,那就赶紧跟谁小编去看看夏日北京哪里度假最清爽吧!2012-07-06 编辑:Amy
[新闻热词] 新闻热词:"便民拖鞋"现身北京地铁
前段时间,北京地铁一些客流高峰站为乘客准备了便民拖鞋,以方便坐地铁被挤丢鞋的乘客。不过这些借出去的便民拖鞋有些从未被归还,地铁工作人员近日发出倡议,希望这些拖鞋能“有去有回”,以帮助更多乘客。 请看中2012-07-09 编辑:justxrh
[时事新闻] 北京61年来最大暴雨造成37人遇难 25人系溺水身亡
The 20-hour storm that hit Beijing on Saturday claimed the lives of 37 people — 25 of the deaths were caused by drowning.周六袭击北京20个小时的暴雨夺走了37条生命,其中25人溺水身亡。Millions of peopl2012-07-23 编辑:justxrh
[时事新闻] 北京大暴雨致37人死 中国网民群情汹涌
The deaths of more than three dozen people in Beijing as a result of heavy rains on Saturday have prompted public expressions of grief and anger and led some in China to question how a city lauded fo2012-07-24 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 北京暴雨死亡人数备受质疑
Beijing faced criticism after the devastation of deadly floods over the weekend as well as some doubts around the official death toll. 在北京郊外的房山区,一艘救援船在一条被淹没的路段上。在北京周末致2012-07-25 编辑:justxrh
[他她话题] 香港vs北京:两个城市的"双雨记"
As typhoon Vicente moved away from Hong Kong felling trees but leaving the city relatively unscathed Chinese microbloggers began busily drawing comparisons between the relative lack of damage in the2012-07-26 编辑:justxrh
[托福最新动态] 托福放出新考位 北京9月考试有名额
据教育部考试中心托福报名网站显示,托福放出新考位。目前北京地区9月有新考位放出北京市私立汇佳学校有名额可报名;上海地区8-10月考位暂满。新东方网提醒各位同学,通常考位暂满的近期会有新考位放出,请同学们随2012-07-30 编辑:kekenet
[] 洪灾暴露北京出租车行业乱象
1970-01-01 编辑:
[时事新闻] 卡梅隆进京 即将拍摄北京题材3D纪录片
Filmmaker James Cameron speaks at a press conference held in Beijing on August 8, 2012. Cameron has announced plans to shoot a 3-D documentary film on the Chinese capital. 知名电影导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆在2012-08-09 编辑:Amosway
[体育新闻] 伦敦奥运会赚足收视率超越北京
Over the 17 days of the games, NBC's prime-time coverage averaged 31.1 million viewers per night, up from 27.7 million in Beijing. It's the most-watched Summer Olympics since the 19962012-08-16 编辑:justxrh
[娱乐新闻] 回顾《北京青年》:重走青春路
Director Zhao Baogang has a lot to say about youth – his "youth" trilogy about the lives of the post-1980 generation testifies to the fact.关于"青春", 导演赵宝刚有很多话要讲——2012-09-10 编辑:justxrh
[历年高考英语听力真题] 2009年高考试题—英语听力(北京卷)录音稿
1.M: Can you type?W: Yes, about eighty words a minute. I have been working as a typist for fifteen years.2012-09-13 编辑:Amosway
[双语达人] 双语达人:重走青春 Rediscover Youth
In Beijing Youth, during this drifting phase, four characters go through everything together. While their love stories&n2012-09-20 编辑:Jasmine
[] 2011年高考试题—英语听力(北京卷)录音稿
1970-01-01 编辑:
[历年高考英语听力真题] 2011年高考试题—英语听力(北京卷)录音稿
现在你有5秒钟的时间看试卷上的例题。 例:What is the man going to read? A. A newspaper. B. A magazine. C. A book. 答案是A。 你将听到以下内容: M: Can I read your newspaper, Jane? W: Didn’t you bring your book with you? M: ..2012-09-24 编辑:Amosway