[英文成语轻松说] 英文成语轻松说第15期:一应俱全:everything needed is there.
As I know, everything needed is there.据我所知,诸事一应俱全。2014-07-29 编辑:liekkas
[常听常新的英语酷词] 常听常新的英语酷词(MP3+中英字幕)第19期:Full Monty
Now that's a catchphrase from a film – a film title this time. 这次这个流行语来自一部电影的名字。2014-10-17 编辑:max
[每日短语] 每日短语 第79期:一应俱全
Many companies seem to want to make nearly everything but the kitchen sink,and that is a quick way to lose money. 许多公司似乎什么都想生产,就是这样钱才亏得快。2015-01-29 编辑:liekkas