[MTI交替传译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士《MTI交替传译》教材(附mp3+译本) 第7期:中国简介
MTI交替传译第7期:中国简介1:历史2014-07-22 编辑:liekkas
[CATTI三级口译培训课程] 人事部CATTI三级口译课程培训(MP3+讲义) 第57讲
中国的丝织、制瓷、冶金、造船技术很早就达到世界的先进水平。China's silk weaving, porcelain making, metallurgy and shipbuilding reached the world's advanced level in ancient times.(省略范畴类词语)2014-09-06 编辑:max
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第1期:盘古开天辟地
According to legend, in the beginning of the world, the sky and the earth were not separated, and there was only darkness and chaos.很早很早以前,天和地还没有分开,宇宙只是混沌一片。2015-10-16 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第2期:女娲补天造人
It is said that there was no man when the sky and the earth were separated by Pangu. 盘古开天辟地后,世上本没有人。2015-10-19 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第3期:三皇五帝
Much information about the patriarchal commune is documented in Chinese literature中国古文献中记载了许多有关父系氏族社会的情况2015-10-20 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第4期:炎黄子孙
Shen Nong and Huang Di were the representatives of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.在“三皇五帝”中最具有代表性的部落联盟领袖是神农和黄帝。2015-10-21 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第8期:夏朝(重大历史事件)
After consolidating the sovereignty, Qi and the nobles began to enslave and exploit the people, and indulge in extravagant lives.2015-10-27 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第7期:夏朝(经济)
Agriculture:In the Xia, lands belonged to the state and the people had to tribute.农业:夏朝实行土地国有制,臣民要向国家纳供。2015-10-26 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第6期:夏朝(奴隶制国家的建立)
According to the documents, when Yu was old, he selected Bo Yi, a chieftain of Dongyi tribe, as the successor.文献记载,禹年老时,曾选东夷族的一位首领益为继承人。2015-10-23 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第5期:大禹治水
Yu is the hero of controlling flood.禹是治水安民的历史英雄人物。2015-10-22 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第9期:夏朝(灭亡)
The last ruler of the Xia Dynasty was Jie, a rare despot in history, who was blamed for the fall of the Xia.夏的最后一位国君桀是历史上少有的暴君,对夏朝的灭亡负有责任。2015-10-29 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第10期:商朝(政治)
The Shang Dynasty practiced hereditary system商朝基本上是王位世袭制2015-10-30 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第11期:商朝(社会经济)
Slavery system prevailed in the Shang Dynasty.商朝时期奴隶制度占主要地位。2015-11-02 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第12期:商朝(文化和科学)
The tradition of ancestral worship has a long history in China. 祭天祀祖在中国有着悠久的历史。2015-11-03 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第13期:商朝(重要帝王)
At the end of the Xia Dynasty, the Shang tribe became powerful gradually.夏朝末年,商族逐渐强大,眼见夏桀暴虐,失去民心。2015-11-04 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第14期:西周(政治)
After the eastern expedition, King Wu carried out the enfeoffment policy in order to strengthen control over the country and protect the interests of the royal family.2015-11-05 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第15期:西周(经济)
The slave system was well developed in the Zhou Dynasty.周朝时奴隶制度发展完善。2015-11-06 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第15期:西周(重大事件)
When Chang, the son of Ji Li, was in the reign, the state had been powerful and prosperous, for he was benevolent and courteous, and many scholars went to Zhou.2015-11-09 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 中英双语话历史 第17期:东周(重大历史事件)
In the middle of the Spring and Autumn, the contention between Jin and Chu intensified, endless wars brought nothing but disasters to the people, and small states also got tired of it.2015-11-11 编辑:Helen
[中外文化] 涓?嫳鍙岃?璇濆巻鍙
When Chang, the son of Ji Li, was in the reign, the state had been powerful and prosperous, for he was benevolent and courteous, and many scholars went to Zhou.2015-11-10 编辑:Helen