[娱乐新闻] 公主要出嫁 安妮·海瑟薇宣布订婚喜讯
Princess Diaries star Anne Hathaway has announced she is engaged.[qh]曾因出演《公主日记》而走红的女星安妮·海瑟薇近日宣布已经订婚。[qh]The actress, 29, confirmed the news after she was photographed w2011-12-02 编辑:Jasmine
[娱乐新闻] 安妮·海瑟薇绷带现身 手肘受伤
Anne Hathaway wears an arm sling while heading to lunch on Wednesday (May 30) in Brooklyn, New York. The 29-year-old actress "had a minor accident over the weekend and injured her wrist," a2012-06-01 编辑:Jasmine
[这句英语怎么说] 这句英语怎么说 第540期(MP3+文本):我若固执己见;你傲慢无礼
A man told me that for a woman, I was very opionated. I said, "For a man, you're kind of ignorant."--Anne Hathaway 曾经有个男人对我说,作为一个女人,我非常固执己见。我答:作为一个男人,你有点傲慢无礼。——安妮·海瑟薇2018-07-16 编辑:hepburn