[娱乐新闻] 谈过56个女友的小李子要结婚了!
谈过56个女友的小李子要结婚了!女方小23岁,她到底是什么来头?2020-08-25 编辑:Kelly
[口语怎么说-新闻篇] 这句话怎么说(时事篇) 第2252期:18岁男生娶14岁女生? 官方通报来了
11月28日,有网友爆料称,在广东省汕头市潮阳区,一名18岁高中生娶了一名14岁的初中生。相关视频在网络流传后,引发众人关注。2020-11-30 编辑:aimee
[口语怎么说-新闻篇] 这句话怎么说(时事篇) 第2325期:7年连降创历史新低! 2020年全国结婚登记较去年下
记者对比近年来的婚姻登记数据发现,结婚登记人数从2013年后呈现持续下降的趋势,2020年全国结婚登记人数再创新低。近日,2020年民政统计数据出炉,全国结婚登记人数813.1万对,同比下降12.2%。2021-03-14 编辑:aimee
[跟着熊叔轻松学英语] 结婚不办婚礼? 赵丽颖说出原因,难怪冯绍峰会选她
赵丽颖宣布来结婚消息,却不举办婚礼,让很多人想不通。2021-05-22 编辑:aimee
[时事热搜榜] 大S与韩国前男友具俊晔官宣结婚
在与前夫汪小菲分手仅4个月后,徐熙媛(大S)再次结婚,2022-03-06 编辑:max
[热点资讯传送门] 贝克汉姆大儿子布鲁克林完婚
布鲁克林·贝克汉姆和妮可拉·佩尔茨已于日前完婚2022-04-11 编辑:max
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] 为什么韩国女性不愿意生孩子?
在韩国,生孩子的女性越来越少。2022-05-23 编辑:Magi
[时事热搜榜] 92岁的默多克将迎来第五次婚姻
亿万富商鲁伯特·默多克制造出了一些关于自己的新闻:92岁的他与前旧金山警察牧师安·莱斯利·史密斯订婚了。2023-03-22 编辑:max
[可可英语晨读] 510期|国外36岁女子宣布与聊天机器人结婚
Woman, 36, Marries Virtual Husband Who is Powered by Artificial Intelligence Rosanna Ramos is a 36-year-old woman from the Bronx, New York, who married her virtual boyfriend after creating him on..2023-06-08 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 510期|国外36岁女子宣布与聊天机器人结婚
Woman, 36, Marries Virtual Husband Who is Powered by Artificial Intelligence Rosanna Ramos is a 36-year-old woman from the Bronx, New York, who married her virtual boyfriend after creating him on..2023-06-08 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 542期|为什么现在的人们不再结婚了?
Why are people not getting married anymore? A record number of people in the U.S., China, Japan and the U.K., are opting out of marriage. The decline is especially strong in the middle and workin..2023-07-24 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 542期|为什么现在的人们不愿意结婚了?
Why are people not getting married anymore? A record number of people in the U.S., China, Japan and the U.K., are opting out of marriage. The decline is especially strong in the middle and workin..2023-07-24 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 547期|“事业脑”杨紫琼大婚,老公曾是法拉利总裁?
Who Is Jean Todt, Michelle Yeoh's Husband? Michelle Yeoh is having a year to remember! After her remarkable awards season run for her performance in Everything Everywhere All at Once with a B..2023-07-31 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 547期|“事业脑”杨紫琼大婚,老公曾是法拉利总裁?
Who Is Jean Todt, Michelle Yeoh's Husband? Michelle Yeoh is having a year to remember! After her remarkable awards season run for her performance in Everything Everywhere All at Once with a B..2023-07-31 编辑:kekechendu
[热点资讯传送门] 结束19年爱情长跑 杨紫琼结婚了!
等待是值得的!经过了这么长时间,杨紫琼终于说出了这句:“我愿意。”2023-08-01 编辑:max
[热点资讯传送门] 羽生结弦发文宣布即将结婚
羽生结弦--花样滑冰运动的偶像派人物--宣布他即将结婚。2023-08-06 编辑:max
[可可英语晨读] 晨读645期|《破产姐妹》Max扮演者结婚!终究还是猛男hold住了她
‘2 Broke Girls' Kat Dennings Marries Andrew W.K. After Almost 3 Years of Dating Kat Dennings is breaking ground on a new relationship milestone: marriage. The 2 Broke Girls star tied the k..2023-12-14 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读645期|《破产姐妹》Max扮演者结婚!终究还是猛男hold住了她
'2 Broke Girls' Kat Dennings Marries Andrew W.K. After Almost 3 Years of Dating Kat Dennings is breaking ground on a new relationship milestone: marriage. The 2 Broke Girls star tied t..2023-12-14 编辑:kekechendu
[VOA慢速-文化艺术] 美国新人瞄上这一天结婚
无论好坏,在内华达州拉斯维加斯,新年前夜结婚的情侣数量可能会创下纪录。2024-01-03 编辑:Magi
[VOA慢速-时事新闻] 日本低出生率和低结婚率成隐忧
日本政府数据显示,去年日本出生的婴儿数量连续第八年降至新低。2024-03-03 编辑:Magi