[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:《兰亭集序》林语堂版英文译文
永和九年,岁在癸丑。暮春之初,会于会稽山阴之兰亭,修禊事也。It is the ninth year of Yonghe (A.C.353), also known as the year of Guichou in terms of the Chinese lunar calendar.On one of those late spring days, we gather at the Or..2013-07-29 编辑:Andersen
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:杜荀鹤·《送人遊吴》英文译文
君到姑苏见,人家尽枕河。Homes there, sleeping by the stream. Ancient palace, few abandoned spots.2014-02-13 编辑:Andersen
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:冯梦龙·《笑府·凳脚》英文译文
乡间坐凳,多以现成树丫叉为脚者。一脚偶坏,Most stools in the countryside used ready-made branches as legs.2014-02-10 编辑:Andersen
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:张错·《冬天的距离》英文译文
等到一地银杏满地金黄,才知道冷面的秋,决绝不可挽留。When the ground beneath a gingko is gold,I know cold-faced autumn absolutely cannot be held.2014-02-12 编辑:Andersen
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:舒婷《旅馆之夜》英文译文
《旅馆之夜》舒婷唇印和眼泪合作的爱情告示勇敢地爬进邮筒Uneasy Night in a HotelShu Ting2014-01-15 编辑:Andersen
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:韦应物《昙智禅师院》英文译文
At Cloud-Wisdom Monastery, in the Ch’an Master’s CourtyardWei Ying-wuExalted with age, you never leave here:2013-10-16 编辑:Andersen
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:闻一多《罪过》英文译文
老头儿和担子摔一交,满地是白杏儿红樱桃。The old man fell down with his load,White apricots and red cherries scattered all over.2013-09-09 编辑:Andersen
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:海子•《日光》英译
日光 海子Sunlight Hai Zi 梨花在土墙上滑动 Pear blossoms Slither on top of the earthen walls2013-07-26 编辑:Andersen
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:陶渊明《桃花源记》(林语堂译)
桃花源记——陶渊明 The Peach Colony (林语堂译)2013-07-23 编辑:Andersen
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:顾太清•《江城子•落花》英译
顾太清·《江城子·落花》英译 花开花落一年中,惜残红,怨东风。2013-07-22 编辑:Andersen
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:王实甫·《西厢记·碧云天·正宫端正好》英文译文
君到姑苏见,人家尽枕河。Homes there, sleeping by the stream. Ancient palace, few abandoned spots.2014-04-02 编辑:Max
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:李冶·《八至》英文译文
至近至远东西,至深至浅清溪。nearest furthest, east west2014-04-03 编辑:Max
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:柳宗元·《秋晓行南谷经荒村》英文译文
杪秋霜露重,晨起行幽谷。Autumn’s end: frost and dew become heavy.2014-04-05 编辑:Max
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:朱静庵·《秋日见蝶》英文译文
江空木落雁声悲。Vast river, falling leaves, eagles' sorrowful cries2014-04-07 编辑:Max
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:朱静庵·《闺怨》英文译文
啼鸟惊回晓梦醒。Awakened from daydreaming by twittering birds2014-04-08 编辑:Max
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:朱静庵·《客中即事》英文译文
华屋沉沉乳燕飞,绿杨深处啭黄鹂。The splendid mansion is quiet, young swallows fly. In the deep shade of green poplars, orioles sing.2014-04-04 编辑:Max
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:徐渭·《画竹》英文译文
东吴药绢白濛濛。Cheap silk from Eastern Wu dull and damp.2014-04-09 编辑:Max
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:徐渭·《鱼蟹》英文译文
夜窗宾主话。Night at the window talking.2014-04-10 编辑:Max
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:徐渭·《云门寺题画梅》英文译文
浮桥流水雪潺潺。Floating bridge water flowing the snow spits.2014-04-11 编辑:Max
[古诗与典籍] 诗歌翻译:朱静庵·《虞姬》英文译文
力尽重瞳霸气消。Strength exhausted, Xiang Yu lost the hegemonic light in his double-pupiled eyes.2014-04-14 编辑:Max