[SAT历年真题] 2012年6月2日SAT考试回忆:作文真题
6月2日SAT亚洲作文题:Should people respect and tolerate about others' opinion,or should they take stands against opinion that they think are wrong?2012-12-12 编辑:kekenet
[] SAT历年真题作文题目汇总(2)
1970-01-01 编辑:
[] SAT历年真题作文题目汇总(1)
1970-01-01 编辑:
[SAT历年真题] SAT历年真题作文题目汇总(2)
I do not feel terrible about my mistakes, though I grieve the pain they have sometimes caused others. Our lives are “experiments with truth,” and in an experiment negative results are at least as im..2012-12-13 编辑:melody
[SAT历年真题] SAT历年真题作文题目汇总(1)
Nowadays nothing is private: our culture has become too confessional and self-expressive. People think that to hide one’s thoughts or feelings is to pretend not to have those thoughts or feelings.2012-12-13 编辑:melody
[SAT历年真题] SAT历年真题作文题目汇总(3)
If we are dissatisfied with our circumstances, we think about changing them. But the most important and effective changes — in our attitude — hardly occur to us.2012-12-13 编辑:melody
[SAT历年真题] SAT历年真题作文题目汇总(4)
We do not take the time to determine right from wrong. Reflecting on the difference between right and wrong is hard work. It is so much easier to follow the crowd,2012-12-13 编辑:melody
[SAT历年真题] SAT历年真题作文题目汇总(5)
All people who have achieved greatness in something knew that they excelled at. These people identified the skills that made them special – good judgment, or courage,2012-12-13 编辑:melody
[雅思口语机经] 12月8日雅思口语现场真题(适用华东地区)
12月8日雅思口语现场真题(采集地点:合肥,适用华东地区) 404 电视节目 401 真人真事的电影 306 礼物 真人真事的电影2012-12-13 编辑:Rainbow
[中级口译历年真题] 2012年11月翻译资格考试三级口译题源(网友版)
There's no reason why we can't do this. This is America. There's no reason why the future of travel should lie somewhere else beyond our borders. Building a new system of high-speed rail..2012-12-13 编辑:melody
[中级口译历年真题] 2012年11月翻译资格考试三级口译真题(网友版)
第一部分:汉英对话。 内容是:关于“占领华尔街运动”外国人问中国人知不知道这个运动,对此的看法(原因和了解),并发表自己的建议,为什么公众会不满,全球经济如何(一句话)。其中有三个简单地名:纽约,西雅图,悉尼。2012-12-13 编辑:melody
[BEC中级历年真题] 商务英语(BEC)中级考试历年真题(1)
BEC商务英语中级考试历年真题(1) Fighting Fit Fine Fitness, the health and fitness club operator, announced an impressive set of results yesterday: (19) a 38-per-cent jump in annual pre-tax profits2012-12-13 编辑:dodoflye
[BEC中级历年真题] 商务英语(BEC)中级考试历年真题(2)
BEC商务英语中级考试历年真题(2) Fighting Fit Fine Fitness, the health and fitness club operator, announced an impressive set of results yesterday: (19) a 38-per-cent jump in annual pre-tax profits2012-12-13 编辑:dodoflye
[BEC初级历年真题] 商务英语初级(BEC1)历年真题(1)
EXAMINATION 1999 FOR BUSINESS FIRST LEVEL Instructions to Candidates (a) The time allowed for this examination is 2 hours.2012-12-13 编辑:dodoflye
[BEC初级历年真题] 商务英语初级(BEC1)历年真题(2)
1 Only rich people can afford private healthcare. 2 Every sixth year with Tip-Top is automatically free.2012-12-13 编辑:dodoflye
[高级笔译历年真题] 2012专八翻译真题答案(北京环球时代版)
痛苦纠聚心中,眉心发烫发热,胸口郁闷难展,胃里一股气冲喉而上。院长说这孩子发育迟缓时,她更是心头无绪。她在孩子所待的房里来回踱步,这房里还有其他小孩。整个房间只有一扇窗,窗外树影婆娑。2012-12-14 编辑:melody
[高级笔译历年真题] 2012年下半年翻译资格考试二级笔译《汉译英》真题
中国是一个发展中国家。多年来,中国在致力于自身发展的同时,始终坚持向经济困难的其他发展中国家提供力所能及的援助,承担相应国际义务。2012-12-14 编辑:melody
[SAT历年真题] SAT历年真题作文题目汇总(6)
Newness has become our obsession. Novelty is more interesting to us than continuing with whatever is “tried and true.” We discard the old so we can acquire the most recent model,2012-12-14 编辑:melody
[SAT历年真题] SAT历年真题作文题目汇总(7)
From talent contests to the Olympics to the Nobel and Pulitzer prizes, we constantly seek to reward those who are “number one.”2012-12-14 编辑:melody
[新托福阅读真题详解] 新托福阅读真题详解:Biological Clocks生物钟
In the study of perceptual abilities of infants, a number of techniques are used to determine infants' responses to various stimuli. Because they cannot verbalize or fill out questionnaires, ind..2012-12-14 编辑:mike