[好莱坞电影口语模仿秀] 新东方作文替换词
Gratitude for Every Single Moment of Life 感激生活的每一刻选自:American Beauty《美国丽人》■ 这是该片结束时的一段独白,凄厉,朦胧,包含着人生的哲理。对事物的形容简练、深刻、意境深远。秋天的黄叶、母亲2006-03-23 编辑:admin
[好莱坞电影口语模仿秀] 王长喜2008.12四级加赠快速阅读新题专练
选自:Gone with the Wind《乱世佳人》As God is My Witness 上帝作证■ 曾经问过很多人,对《乱世佳人》印象最深刻的是什么?百分之八十的人说 :在电影上半部分结束时,斯佳丽在荒芜的田地里挖萝卜充饥。饥饿非但2006-03-23 编辑:admin
[好莱坞电影口语模仿秀] 新东方四六级作文闪光点
You Are Nothing but a Suit 你只不过是件外套选自:You’ve Got Mail《电子情书》■生活中的爱情有很多误会。虚幻的网络使生活中的不可能成为了可能,这就是网络的可爱。谁能想到唇枪舌剑的敌人却会是甜言蜜语的网2006-03-23 编辑:admin
[好莱坞电影口语模仿秀] 英语口语提高版上下篇
You’re My Immortality 你是我的永远选自:Sweet November《甜蜜十一月》■ 如标题所暗示的,这显然是一则爱情对话。女主人翁想爱不敢爱,为了心中的那份完美,为了爱离开爱。心情是凄美的,话自然说得也很凄美,许2006-03-23 编辑:admin
[好莱坞电影口语模仿秀] 新英语四级听力改革概述及高分必夺技巧
It's Going to Make You Proud One Day 有一天你会为此骄傲选自:Scent of a Woman《女人香》■和人争辩常常觉得自己的语言缺乏力量,总想用最强有力的音量和言语来战胜对方,更何况在一个众目睽睽的场合下。这一段2006-03-23 编辑:admin
[零距离美语会话] 新东方-Bec中级写作
Unit 2 BeliefsOne Do you believe in God?你有什么宗教信仰吗?1 IntroductionA Most Westerners are Christians. Some go to churches as often as twice a week, some less often. Religious services include t2006-03-24 编辑:admin
[零距离美语会话] BEC中级新东方课堂讲义及上课笔记
Two Do you believe in palmistry?你相信手相术吗?1 IntroductionA In America, thirteen is considered to be a superstitious number. So some buildings don’t have the thirteenth floor, instead, they go f2006-03-24 编辑:admin
[零距离美语会话] 07年星火大学英语六级考试阅读理解预测题
Six A shouting match?一场争吵比赛?1 Introduction A American humor often confuses the Chinese. The American sense of the comedic is quite different from the Chinese. When Americans tell a joke to the2006-03-24 编辑:admin
[零距离美语会话] 王长喜2008.12六级加赠主题词汇1000
Five Did you tip the bellboy?你付小费给那个服务生了吗?1 IntroductionA It is the custom to give tips to waiters in restaurants and taxi drivers. 在餐馆给服务员小费、给的士司机小费被认为是习俗。B It i2006-03-24 编辑:admin
[零距离美语会话] 2008年6月大学英语六级考试真题详解
Four How much did this painting cost?这幅画多少钱?1 IntroductionA Many Americans love adventures. They are often interested in exploring other cultures when they have a chance to. When they return f2006-03-24 编辑:admin
[零距离美语会话] 2009宫东风考研英语最后四套卷第三套+答案解析
Unit 5 EmploymentOne How is your job search going?你的工作找得怎么样了?1 IntroductionThe textbooks and classes in school and college can only teach some of the materials for work. Because each diffe2006-03-24 编辑:admin
[零距离美语会话] 2009宫东风考研英语最后四套卷第二套+答案解析
Three How often do you work out?每隔多久锻炼一次?1 Introduction A Concerning physical exercise, American men and women, boys and girls, generally fall into one of two categories. Many Americans are2006-03-24 编辑:admin
[零距离美语会话] 2009宫东风考研英语最后四套卷第一套+答案解析
Two I love going to the mall.我爱逛商场。1 IntroductionA Clothing is pretty expensive in America. As a general rule prices are fixed, so don’t try bargaining for anything, except at some private sal2006-03-24 编辑:admin
[零距离美语会话] 空中美语口语100篇文本(中英对照)
Unit 4 EntertainmentOne Let’s take a vacation!我们去度假吧!1 IntroductionA Americans are very mobile, and travel is very popular for many people. In America, when people take a vacation, they often2006-03-24 编辑:admin
[零距离美语会话] 2009宫东风考研英语最后四套卷第四套+答案解析
Two Have you ever bought any insurance?你买过保险吗?1 Introduction A Many more people buy insurance in America than in China. One reason is that Americans have more cars and they must get car insura2006-03-24 编辑:admin
[] 2009新东方写作冲刺讲义电子版教程(完整打印版)
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