[脱掉字幕看美剧] 脱掉字幕看美剧之绝望主妇(18):我们就不能谈谈吗?
朋友间出现了矛盾,夫妻间感情出现问题时,大家都需要冷静下来好好谈谈,主动提出来要好好谈谈的一方就可以说这句话。更为地道的表达是Can't we talk it over? 也可以说成Can't we work it out?2012-09-24 编辑:lily
[脱掉字幕看美剧] 脱掉字幕看美剧之绯闻女孩(1):这真是个差劲的理由
预备词汇:1.lame:无说服力的2.brag about:吹嘘3.conquest:战胜4.victim:受害者5.brunch:早午餐精选对白:Blair:That is the lamest excuse I've ever heard. You wanna know&nbs2012-09-28 编辑:lily
[脱掉字幕看美剧] 脱掉字幕看美剧之绯闻女孩(2):我以前真是低估了你的智商
预备词汇:1.facility:服务机构2.the disturbed:精神失常的人3.the addicted:瘾君子4.credit:声望5.wit:才智精选对白:Blair:What is she doing here?Chuck:Well, what's anyone doing t2012-09-29 编辑:lily
[脱掉字幕看美剧] 脱掉字幕看美剧之绯闻女孩(5): 这是我的荣幸
预备词汇:1.toast:吐司2.assume:猜想3.forward:早的4.honored:荣幸精选对白:Blair: So what's next?Marcus: I was thinking breakfast — a little French toast,&n2012-10-11 编辑:lily
[脱掉字幕看美剧] 脱掉字幕看美剧之绯闻女孩(3): 我正在努力尝试
预备词汇:1.forgive:原谅2.work on:从事,努力做精选对白:Blair: Speaking of true love, Dan isn't here.Serena: He's coming.Blair: So all is fo2012-10-10 编辑:lily
[脱掉字幕看美剧] 脱掉字幕看美剧之绯闻女孩(6): 结束比预期的早。
预备词汇:1.round:一轮2.wrap up:结束3.rush to:急于4.long haul:长时间精选对白:Bart: Good morning.Serena: Bart, you're back early.Bart: My last round o2012-10-12 编辑:lily
[脱掉字幕看美剧] 脱掉字幕看美剧之绯闻女孩(7): 让我们来震惊全场吧
预备词汇:1.blow away:震惊2.dude:伙计3.lodger:寄宿者4.avoid:回避精选对白:Agnes: We are going to blow them away.Jenny: We better, otherwise I am so&n2012-10-15 编辑:lily
[脱掉字幕看美剧] 脱掉字幕看美剧之绯闻女孩(8): 真是个愉快的惊喜啊!
预备词汇:1.utter:绝对2.delight:高兴精选对白:Berate: It was an utter delight to meet you, Miss Van Der Woodsen. What a lovely surpris2012-10-16 编辑:lily
[脱掉字幕看美剧] 脱掉字幕看美剧之绯闻女孩(9):这不是任何人的错!
预备词汇:1.accident:事故2.right before:刚好在......之前精选对白:Serena: Mom, what's wrong?Lily: Bart's been in an accident.Chuck: My father's d2012-10-18 编辑:lily
[脱掉字幕看美剧] 脱掉字幕看美剧之绯闻女孩(10): 今天是个好日子!
预备词汇:1.firing:开火2.squad:小队3.committee:委员会4.perk up:振作起来5.wink:眨眼精选对白:Blair: You look like a firing squad.Harold: More like a welcoming commi2012-10-23 编辑:lily
[脱掉字幕看美剧] 脱掉字幕看美剧之绯闻女孩(11): 我知道一定发生了什么事!
预备词汇:1.take the hint:心领神会2.dirty laundry:见不得人的事精选对白:Serena: Chuck, I have been looking for my phone all morning.Chuck: I was&2012-10-24 编辑:lily
[脱掉字幕看美剧] 脱掉字幕看美剧之绯闻女孩(12): 没什么大不了的!
预备词汇:1.Philanderer:花花公子2.run into:偶然遇到3.a big deal:很重要的事精选对白:Blair: Spying on that boyfriend of Serena's. Philanderer!Nate: Really?Blair:&nbs2012-10-25 编辑:lily
[脱掉字幕看美剧] 脱掉字幕看美剧之绯闻女孩(13): 你到底是谁的人!
预备词汇:1.keep safe:保管好2.propose:求婚精选对白:Darota: I know thing you want to know, Miss Blair but I am not supposed to tel2012-10-29 编辑:lily
[和老外聊天的地道口语] 和老外聊天的地道口语第152期:中国是否会走向环境灾难?
近几年来,中国越来越多的人死于癌症,听说了,去年在中国死于癌症的人最多2010-05-05 编辑:jessica
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:一些"百试不爽"职场法则的英文表达
恰到好处 fit like a glove 你对他的批评恰到好处,如果你说得再过点儿头,他也许就接受不了了。Your criticism of him fitted just like a glove. If you had have made it a bit hotter, he could not have possibly accepted them2013-05-03 编辑:Phoenix
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:糟糕的为人处事方式,看看你有没有中枪
糊弄人 throw someone off the scent我把实情告诉他了,可是他以为我在糊弄他。I told him the true story, but he still thought I was throwing him off the scent2013-05-08 编辑:Phoenix
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:泼妇,丑女,无耻女子等的英语表达
Shrew泼妇, 悍妇A woman with a violent, scolding, or nagging temperament; a scold.Many of you may have heard of, or read William Shakespear's "The Taming of the Shrew."2013-05-09 编辑:Phoenix
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:"强硬的态度和手段"用英文怎么表达
打开天窗说亮话 talk turkey在这个问题上我们兜了这么长时间的圈子了,现在也该说点真格的了We have been beating about the bush on the matter for so long and it’s time to talk turkey2013-05-10 编辑:Phoenix
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:怎样形容女子"身材曼妙""完美性感"
夏季到了,让我们一起努力减肥, 秀出自己曼妙的"魔鬼身材"吧。She's pretty stacked.她的身材婀娜多姿。这种“婀娜”强调的是上身丰满。Stack一词原意是指“堆积".to be a dream boat. Dream 是“理想的”这没假,但 dream boat 为何会成为“理想的女人”就不得而知了。2013-05-06 编辑:Phoenix
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:夏季"清凉消暑"的冷饮英语怎么表达
夏天到了,小编和大家一起分享一些清凉消暑的冷饮的英文表达。tomato juice番茄汁Tomato juice contains the antioxidant lycopene.Scientific studies have suggested that lycopene consumption may protect against prostate cancer, breast can..2013-05-07 编辑:Phoenix