[口语怎么说-新闻篇] 这句话怎么说(时事篇) 第2135期:网信办等八部门整治直播业 首批44款网络直播平台被处
针对网民反映强烈的网络直播“打赏”严重冲击主流价值观等行业突出问题,6月5日起,国家网信办、全国“扫黄打非”办会同最高人民法院、工业和信息化部、公安部、文化和旅游部、市场监管总局、广电总局等部门启动为期半年的网络直播行业专项整治和规范管理行动。2020-06-10 编辑:aimee
[关注社会] "打赏"将实行实名制
国家广播电视总局近日发布《关于加强网络秀场直播和电商直播管理的通知》。2020-11-26 编辑:Kelly
[可可英语晨读] 119【讲解版】买它!中国网红直播带货让西方眼红
China’s KOL economy: Shaping the conversation for western brands Whilst names such as Li Jiaqi and Weiya may not mean much to the average western consumer, they wield astounding influence in the ..2021-11-08 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 119【朗读版】买它!中国网红直播带货让西方眼红
China’s KOL economy: Shaping the conversation for western brands Whilst names such as Li Jiaqi and Weiya may not mean much to the average western consumer, they wield astounding influence in the ..2021-11-08 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 119【讲解版】买它!中国网红直播带货让西方眼红
China’s KOL economy: Shaping the conversation for western brands Whilst names such as Li Jiaqi and Weiya may not mean much to the average western consumer, they wield astounding influence in the ..2021-11-08 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 205【讲解版】外媒报道:3·15痛批直播乱象
China’s 315 Gala puts the spotlight on live-streaming market abuses as US$188 billion industry continues to attract Beijing’s ire China’s state broadcaster used the might of its audience reach du..2022-03-17 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 205【朗读版】外媒报道:3·15痛批直播乱象
China’s March fifteenth Gala puts the spotlight on live-streaming market abuses as US$188 billion industry continues to attract Beijing’s ire China’s state broadcaster used the might of its audie..2022-03-17 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语口语] 口语58-新东方直播爆火:小时候上你的课,长大买你的货
今天在“商业”栏目中,我们来聊聊“新东方直播间带货”,Let's talk about “New Oriental finds new success in livestream e-commerce ” in today’s program.2022-06-15 编辑:lulu
[时事热搜榜] 新东方双语直播带货冲上热搜
最近,曾陷入困境的教育培训公司新东方,开始在中国的社交媒体平台上走红2022-06-14 编辑:max
[可可英语晨读] 341 现实版“东方清仓”李佳琦低调回归,实力惊人
Alibaba’s top influencer Austin Li Jiaqi returns to live streaming, in a boost for the sector after months of tighter regulatory scrutiny Lipstick King Austin Li Jiaqi has returned to Alibaba Gro..2022-09-23 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 341 现实版“东方清仓”李佳琦低调回归,实力惊人
Alibaba’s top influencer Austin Li Jiaqi returns to live streaming, in a boost for the sector after months of tighter regulatory scrutiny Lipstick King Austin Li Jiaqi has returned to Alibaba Gro..2022-09-23 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 367期 首个没有超级主播的双11,表现会好吗?
A Singles Day without livestream superhosts leaves Alibaba in a quandary When Alibaba kicks off its Singles Day extravaganza on Monday, it will for the first time in years not be headlined by its..2022-10-31 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 367期 首个没有超级主播的双11,表现会好吗?
A Singles Day without livestream superhosts leaves Alibaba in a quandary When Alibaba kicks off its Singles Day extravaganza on Monday, it will for the first time in years not be headlined by its..2022-10-31 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 435期|董宇辉辟谣北京房产百万奖金传言
Dong Yuhui won the Beijing Hukou, 150 square meters house, license plate and 1 million cash? Urgent voices from all sides The news that "Dong Yuhui won the Beijing Pinggu Talent Award" wa..2023-02-21 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 435期|董宇辉辟谣北京房产百万奖金传言
Dong Yuhui won the Beijing Hukou, 150 square meters house, license plate and 1 million cash? Urgent voices from all sides The news that "Dong Yuhui won the Beijing Pinggu Talent Award" wa..2023-02-21 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 472期|马斯克直播狂怼BBC记者
Elon Musk Roasted a BBC Journalist Live and People are Loving it Twitter owner Elon Musk sat down with the BBC tech reporter James Clayton for an interview that appears to have turned into a catf..2023-04-14 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 472期|马斯克直播狂怼BBC记者
Elon Musk Roasted a BBC Journalist Live and People are Loving it Twitter owner Elon Musk sat down with the BBC tech reporter James Clayton for an interview that appears to have turned into a catf..2023-04-14 编辑:kekechendu
[热点资讯传送门] 马斯克和扎克伯格"八角笼约架"将在推特直播
如果你是世界上最富有的人,并且你可以买到任何东西,你会怎么做2023-08-12 编辑:max
[可可英语晨读] 晨读579期|李佳琦翻车,外媒如何报道?
Influencer Li Jiagi Tearfully Apologises After Hemorrhaging 600K Followers Overnight Due to An Insensitive Remark to a Fan About Salary Chinese beauty influencer and livestream host Austin Li Jia..2023-09-13 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读579期|李佳琦翻车,外媒如何报道?
Influencer Li Jiagi Tearfully Apologises After Hemorrhaging 600K Followers Overnight Due to An Insensitive Remark to a Fan About Salary Chinese beauty influencer and livestream host Austin Li Jia..2023-09-13 编辑:kekechendu