[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:Alligator Bites Scientist
国家地理:Alligator Bites Scientist 惊悸一刻Our next amazing rescue proves that working in an isolated and wild environment can be a risky endeavor. The llanos or wetlands of Venezuela, National Geogr2007-08-26 编辑:admin
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:Coffee: Beans to Buzz
国家地理:Coffee: Beans to Buzz 星巴克的传奇It's 3 friends with gourmet taste on a search for the perfect cup of coffee that help jump-start the whole specialty coffee revolution in the US. In 1971 a2007-08-26 编辑:admin
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:Is It Real? Miracle
国家地理:Is It Real? Miracle Cures 灵丹妙药When he is not on the road holding miracle crusades, he broadcasts to over 100,000 TV viewers a day. It is done by the power of God in Jesus Mighty name. So2007-08-26 编辑:admin
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:Reindeer Man圣诞老人和他的驯鹿
国家地理:Reindeer Man圣诞老人和他的驯鹿There's a Santa's carrier.For Tom Scheib, today is one of those days he spends most of the year preparing for.Let's just put the harness out right here.This2007-08-26 编辑:admin
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:Leather Tanner 最辛苦的职业:皮革鞣制
This tannery is infamous as the foulest-smelling place in all of Fez,2009-12-25 编辑:jessica
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:Gator in the Backyard
国家地理:Gator in the Backyard 后院的不速之客"The lady, she has two small dogs and she was worried because the alligator finds the back of her house and just gets up there and he sounds itself and l2007-08-27 编辑:admin
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:Iraq's Guns for Hire&
Back at the Armor Group compound, another team prepares for a different kind of mission. They'll travel low profile, trying to blend in with the Iraqis.2009-12-29 编辑:jessica
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:The Real Roswell 罗斯维尔飞碟
Jesse Marcel remains convinced that there was one thing in the debris that could only be extraterrestrial. He described small metal-like I-beams with hieroglyphic symbols.The metal beam like our smal2009-12-30 编辑:jessica
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:Gator in the Backyard&nbs
"The lady, she has two small dogs and she was worried because the alligator finds the back of her house and just gets up there and he sounds itself and lays out there. She tries to chase him off..2010-01-05 编辑:jessica
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:Reindeer Man圣诞老人和他的驯鹿
For Tom Scheib, today is one of those days he spends most of the year preparing for.2010-01-06 编辑:jessica
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:盂兰盆节的“醉汉舞”
文本Celebrations in honour of the dead take place in July and August in Japan. Prayers are set and graves are tended during the festival of O-Bon. In Tokushima city around 100 thousand costumed peopl2009-07-22 编辑:jessica
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:太空行走, 看上去很美
Floating free in the hostile vacuum of space, astronauts push the boundaries of exploration. Join them on an incredible journey as spacecraft Voyager explores the solar system.From planetary orbit,2008-10-26 编辑:echo
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:乞力马扎罗山
It is called the Roof of Africa. Rising 19,340 feet nearly 4 miles into the sky, Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest point on the entire African continent.Located in northeastern Tanzania in east Africa2008-10-28 编辑:echo
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:农场变湿地
“我是我们家在这片土地上的第三代农民了。”他家在明尼苏达州的Okabena,就在Okabena溪的沿岸,已经住了很多年了。当溪水吞没堤岸并席卷他的庄稼时,亚丁只能无助地看着。2008-10-29 编辑:echo
[国家地理杂志] 鍥藉?鍦扮悊: Hunter & Hunted: Gator Attack 槌勯奔鏀诲嚮
所有短嘴鳄中几乎90%都会在一到两岁之间死亡,沦落为其他捕食者(包括它们同类)的猎物。2007-09-02 编辑:admin
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:Planet Carnivore: Lions 动物星球: 狮
水牛的视力不好。它们位于仅30米之外的地方,但是在清晨昏暗的光线中,它们看不见狮群。2007-09-02 编辑:admin
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:Survive the Sahara 走险撒哈拉
这是一个不受时间影响的地方。沙漠中的亡灵似乎常出没于山间。但是响彻悬崖的并非这些迷失灵魂的哀嚎。2007-09-02 编辑:admin
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:Ultimate Shark 终极者—鲨鱼
到底是什么力量驱使着自然中最著名的大白鲨?在新西兰,这只大白鲨在渔民的网中溺亡。2007-09-02 编辑:admin
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:Surviving Alcatraz 走险恶魔岛
在恶魔岛,孤独和厌烦消磨着库恩。你失去了真实感,你想知道自己是属于这个真实的世界2007-09-01 编辑:admin
[国家地理杂志] 国家地理:Bear Taxidermist 动物标本剥制师
但是两世纪的狩猎和栖息地的减少危及到了它们的数量。如今,在美国本土的48个州中仅有不到1200头灰熊。2007-09-01 编辑:admin