[PBS访谈商业系列] pbs高端访谈:税收仍是解决联邦财政赤字的关键吗?
JEFFREY BROWN:"Let's get to work," that's what President Obama urged Congress to join him in doing to&2012-11-14 编辑:melody
[PBS访谈商业系列] pbs高端访谈:过快减少财政赤字会引发经济衰退
Though Republicans claim $2.2 trillion would be saved by their plan for long-term deficit reduction, economist Paul Krugman calls it a "vapor plan," with few details on where savings will co..2012-12-05 编辑:melody
[口语怎么说-新闻篇] 这句话怎么说(时事篇) 第104期:"财政赤字"怎么说?
改革之年,扩大转型、民生支出的意志遭遇财政增收乏力的现实,结果就是财政赤字的松闸。2012-12-28 编辑:Aimee
[时事新闻] 哥斯达黎加希望中国帮忙填补财政赤字
尽管中国经济增长乏力,但哥斯达黎加还是希望中国帮助填补其不断扩大的财政赤字。目前,哥斯达黎加正就发行10亿美元债券事宜与中方展开商谈。2015-10-09 编辑:shaun