[关注社会] 飓风桑迪激发的在线幽默
Hurricane Sandy, headed for the east coast of the United States, sparked online humor in the form of Twitter&n2012-10-31 编辑:ivy
[时事新闻] (组图)飓风下的美国:桑迪成最昂贵灾害
Sandy has caused large-scale damage, with more possibly to come.桑迪已经造成大规模损害,很可能带来更多灾害。Floodwaters surround homes near the2012-10-31 编辑:spring
[环境] VOA视频:飓风桑迪席卷美国东海岸
Hurricane Sandy Batters East Coast of US飓风桑迪席卷美国东海岸A massive storm is threatening 50 million people living along the&nbs2012-10-31 编辑:Jasmine
[环境] VOA视频:飓风桑迪过后,华尔街关闭两天
After Sandy, Wall Street Closed for 2nd Day飓风桑迪过后,华尔街关闭A day after Hurricane Sandy caused severe flooding and power 2012-11-01 编辑:Jasmine
[环境] VOA视频:飓风桑迪造成纽约市强降水,经济区域关闭
Low-Lying Areas of New York City Suffer Flooding纽约市低洼地段积水严重Hurricane Sandy brought heavy rain and high winds, leaving ma2012-11-02 编辑:Jasmine
[2012年10月ABC News] ABC新闻:布鲁斯·夏皮罗谈论飓风桑迪
Bruce Shapiro says that Hurricane Sandy is unlike anything on the books.布鲁斯·夏皮罗表示飓风桑迪不同于任何书中所呈现的灾难。2012-10-31 编辑:mike
[2012年11月CRI news] CRI News Report: 飓风"桑迪"狂扫美国东海岸 利比亚国民议
More than thirty people have been killed as tropical storm Sandy battered the US East Coast, home to nearly&nb2012-11-01 编辑:Aimee
[新闻热词] 新闻热词:飓风"桑迪" Hurricane Sandy
飓风“桑迪”于美国东部时间29日晚8时许(北京时间30日上午8时许)在美国新泽西州海岸登陆。目前“桑迪”仍在纽约等地肆虐。请看相关报道:Hurricane Sandy, one of the biggest storms ever to hit the United States2012-11-01 编辑:ivy
[时事新闻] 遇见未来?洪水恣肆的纽约城,安全最重要
The devastation wrought by Sandy is forcing New Yorkers to consider a whole host of measures – from fortress-l2012-11-03 编辑:spring
[2012年11月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:桑迪登陆曼哈顿等东部沿海地区
听力原稿BBC News with David AustonUp to 15 million people on the east coastof theUnited Statesare preparing for2012-11-04 编辑:helen
[环境] VOA视频:飓风桑迪过境,纽约部分地区一片狼藉
NY Residents Struggling to Recover from Superstorm Sandy超级飓风桑迪过境,纽约市民积极自救Nearly a week after Hurricane Sandy slammed into New2012-11-05 编辑:Jasmine
[学习素材] 奥巴马总统就飓风"桑迪"所作的紧急讲话
President Obama's Statement on Hurricane SandyOctober 29, 2012奥巴马总统就飓风“桑迪”所作的紧急讲话2012年10月29日Hello, everybody. I just received a ful2012-11-05 编辑:melody
[影视动态] 飓风“桑迪”损毁《鬼楼契约》片场
从热带风暴“桑迪”带来的各种后果来看,电视剧片场实在排不在优先救援的名单上。尤其当我们想到那么多的人因此而无家可归,缺乏洁净的饮用水,还有在越发寒冷的夜里遭受电力紧缺的时候。但我们毕竟是报道电视消息的地方,请多多包涵! 由于位于布鲁克林的魔术河畔电影工作室(Cine Magic Riverfront Studios)在东河附近,这让它正好处在由飓风“桑迪”带2012-11-05 编辑:lily
[NPR News 2012年11月] NPR讲解附字幕:飓风桑迪来袭 搅局美总统大选
正文部分From NPR News in Washington, I'm Nora Raum.这里是华盛顿NPR新闻,我是诺拉·劳姆。Officials up and down the eastern seaboard are orderin2012-11-06 编辑:Aimee
[PBS访谈环境系列] pbs高端访谈:共和党拖延表决对飓风桑迪受害者的援助计划
An emergency aid package to provide relief funds for victims of Hurricane Sandy got stalled in Congress as Republicans insisted on offsetting the $60 billion in aid with spending cuts before voting.2013-01-09 编辑:melody
[NPR边听边练] NPR边听边练 第28期:众方施压美众议院对飓风受灾地区援助
共和党未同意对遭受飓风“桑迪”袭击的州进行紧急救助。各个地方的领导人现在都在向众议院施压,要求其采取行动。2013-01-16 编辑:clover
[NPR边听边练] NPR边听边练 第29期:美国加强枪支管理
白宫正在会见枪支政策的主要参与者,其中就包括全美步枪协会。虽然遭到全美步枪协会的反对,但亚利桑那州图森市警方还是销毁了200多支枪支。2013-01-17 编辑:clover
[新闻词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第89期:Challenges remain after Sandy
The clean-up is still going on across New York and New Jersey a week after superstorm Sandy smashed into the East Coast.2013-03-19 编辑:Jasmine
[PBS访谈环境系列] pbs高端访谈:飓风桑迪七个月过后灾区的重建
President Obama and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie toured points along the famed Jersey Shore to see the recovery efforts following last fall's Hurricane Sandy. Judy Woodruff talks2013-05-30 编辑:melody