[关注社会] 关注社会:纽约被评为美国最脏城市
New York has been named the dirtiest out of 35 American metropolitan areas by the out-of-towners who read&nbs2012-09-25 编辑:justxrh
[双语达人] 1/10银行卡携带粪便污染物 比钞票还脏
Next time you get your debit card out, you might want to use it to buy some hand wash.下次你把自己的提款卡拿出来时,也许你会想用它去买2012-10-17 编辑:ivy
[脑筋转转转] 脑筋转转转 第84期:什么东西干净的时候是黑色的脏了的时候是白色的?
What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty? 什么东西干净的时候是黑色的脏了的时候是白色的?2013-01-17 编辑:Magi