[电影预告片] 美版《龙纹身女孩》芬奇式剪辑重组张力剧情
导演:大卫·芬奇 David Fincher主演:鲁妮·玛拉 Rooney Mara 丹尼尔·克雷格 Daniel Craig 斯特兰·斯卡斯加德 Stellan Skarsgård上映日期:2011年12月21日国家/地区:瑞典 / 英国 / 德国 / 美国影片类型:2011-11-14 编辑:lily
[看美剧学英语] 《生活大爆炸》口语精华 谢耳朵教潘小花物理
看生活大爆炸学英语第三季第十集【剧情介绍】Penny希望能像Bernadette一样懂Leonard的工作,因此请Sheldon教她物理。Howard则因为Leonard邀请Bernadette去参观他的实验而吃飞醋。1. For example, I'm sure heߛ-11-14 编辑:lily
[《尼基塔》精讲] 美剧学习《尼基塔》第一季第14集 生活与谎言
双语剧本-Nikita: Happy Valentine's Day.情人节快乐。You toss the old one?你把旧的扔了吧?-Alex: My gift to the Hudson River.送给哈德逊河了。-Nikita: Remember to rotate the hiding place.记着换个地方2011-11-15 编辑:lily
[《丑女贝蒂》原声] 《丑女贝蒂》第一集第4集 社交舞会
-Betty: Wow, this is so cool.哇,这里真酷!I've always wanted to come to networking night at the rack.我一直很想来社交舞会。And, oh, look! There's free grilled cheese.哦,看哪! 那里有免费的烤2011-11-15 编辑:lily
[膜拜美剧幽默] 一起来膜拜美剧幽默大神 第4期: 你是个白痴
美剧中有些话语总是幽默得那么有才,令人佩服得五体投地。有时真想撬开他们的脑子,看看里面到底有什么神奇构造才创造出这么惊人的神作。就让我们一起来膜拜一下吧。► -Sheldon: Oh, boy.天啊。-Penny:What2011-11-15 编辑:lily
[每天电影口语] 每天一句电影口语第5期:先发制人
背景介绍:Andy得罪了魔鬼上司而遭到刁难,在无法挽救的情况下她灰心地想要辞职,于是打电话给男友Nate.Nate: Quit? Are you sure?要辞职?你确定吗?Andy: I failed. She's gonna fire me. I might as well be2011-11-15 编辑:lily
[每天记住5个烦人单词] 每天记住5个"烦人"单词第6期:会传染的
► Doctor: It's scarlet fever.是猩红热。He'll be in bed for several months, at least.他至少需要卧床几个月。Complete isolation.完全隔离。-Mother: Emily, keep away. He's contagious. Em2011-11-15 编辑:lily
[影视学习笔记] 《吸血鬼日记》S03E03:在你窗外独徘徊,为伊消得人憔悴
1. Lurking outside your window, pining away.[qh]在你窗外独徘徊,为伊消得人憔悴。[qh]pine away(因为思念)憔悴,消瘦e.g: And so, like Echo, Narcissus began to pine away, wasted by an impossible love.因2011-11-15 编辑:lily
[影视学习笔记] Wall Street 华尔街:金钱永不眠(1)
影片介绍 昔日叱咤华尔街的戈登(迈克尔·道格拉斯 Michael Douglas 饰)出狱了,无人来接,8年未见的女儿维妮(凯瑞·穆里根 Carey Mulligan 饰)与他势同水火。不过,她的男友——股票交易员杰克(希亚·拉博夫 S2011-11-15 编辑:lily
[《生活大爆炸》原声] 美剧随身听《生活大爆炸》(13) 叫我怎么睡得着
双语剧本-Leonard: Sheldon!-Sheldon: Shh, Shh, shh. Penny's sleeping.嘘,嘘,Penny在睡觉。-Leonard: Are you insane?你疯了吗?You can't just break into a woman's apartment in the middle of t2011-11-15 编辑:lily
[邻家女孩] 电影随身听:《邻家女孩》(15)
双语剧本You really care about her, huh? 你真的很在乎她,是吗?-Yeah, I really do -I don't know. -对,我真的很在乎-我不知道If I'm gonna do this payment plan thing… 如果我同意这个偿还计划…I n2011-11-15 编辑:lily
[每天电影口语] 每天一句电影口语第6期:岌岌可危
— Execuse me. Can we adjust the attitude?拜托,态度能不能好点?— I'm sorry. It's a busy day. My personal life is hanging by a thread, that's all.抱歉,我今天太忙了。我的个人生活岌岌可危2011-11-16 编辑:lily
[每天记住5个烦人单词] 每天记住5个"烦人"单词第7期:
词汇讲解Oh, oh, my God. Andy, you look so chic.噢,上帝。安迪,你看起来很别致。——《时尚女魔头》chic adj. 别致的,时髦的The Ballerina didn't even have a chic Russian name to her credit.这位芭蕾舞2011-11-16 编辑:lily
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(12) 我讨厌我的大腿
双语剧本They have this distant sexy look.她们有冷艳性感的外表。That's not sexy. It's starvation.那边不是性感,是饥饿。That's starvation in the best restaurants.身处高级餐厅中的饥饿。I wan2011-11-16 编辑:lily
[绯闻女孩资讯] 《绯闻女孩》片场大爆料 Blair要做落跑新娘?
Is she a runaway bride? An emotional Leighton Meester makes a run for it Monday on the New York City set of Gossip Girl.[qh] 她会是落跑新娘吗?失魂落魄的莉顿·梅斯特周一出现在纽约街头为《绯闻女孩》拍2011-11-16 编辑:lily
[剧照欣赏] 10大性别互换电影你看过哪些
Jack and Jill, out today, attempts to attract moviegoers by dressing Adam Sandler up as a woman. A wig and makeup might come across as a gimmick in this case, but cross-dressing has made for memorab2011-11-16 编辑:lily
[每天电影口语] 每天一句电影口语第7期:彼此彼此
— Execuse me. Can we adjust the attitude?拜托,态度能不能好点?— I'm sorry. It's a busy day. My personal life is hanging by a thread, that's all.抱歉,我今天太忙了。我的个人生活岌岌可危2011-11-17 编辑:lily
[综合娱乐] 娱乐视频:真实和谎言的魔力
2011-11-17 编辑:lily
[明星八卦] 神马!Lady Gaga的粉丝欺负Adele?
British singer Adele has been the subject of bullying remarks by Lady Gaga fans. And they have taken to social networking sites to attack soul singer Adele.[qh]英国歌手Adele成了Lady Gaga 的粉丝欺负的2011-11-17 编辑:lily
[明星资讯] 《暮光之城:破晓I》首映夜 "贝拉"惊艳红毯
Kristen Stewart had all eyes on her — and the daringly high slit in her J. Mendel dress, which showed off lots of leg — at the premiere of Breaking Dawn Part 1, which took place at the Nokia Theate2011-11-17 编辑:lily