[创意生活] 巧妙去除衣物上的锈迹
Whether from an old dryer or some rusty tools, we have the solution to get rid of rust stains from clothing.无论你的衣物沾上旧的烘干机还是生锈的工具上的锈迹,我们都有办法去除。Step 1: You will need1.2012-09-03 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 牙刷上也有大量细菌 怎样巧妙去除
Your toothbrush can be a breeding ground for bacteria. If you leave your toothbrush near someone else's, you&nb2012-09-21 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 漂亮衣服沾上油渍 洗洁精轻松去除
Remove Stains from Clothes: Cooking Oil. Learn how to remove those stubborn oil stains from your clothes by fo2012-09-22 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 衣服沾上白葡萄酒污渍 苏打水轻松去除
It is a known fact that white wine removes red wine stains. But, here you can find out how to get&nb2012-09-28 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 巧用白醋去除衣服上的啤酒污渍
If you love beer, you'll appreciate this tip on getting beer stains out of your clothing. So, if you'v2012-10-30 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 衣服不慎沾上鸟粪 专家教你轻松去除
Learn a super simple method of getting out bird dropping stains from clothing. Everything's already in your cup2012-11-12 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 居家小妙招:怎样去除衣服上的烟味
If you spent the night around the campfire or with a friend who likes to smoke, your clothes might smell&2012-11-23 编辑:qihui
[美容时尚英语] 皮肤沾上焦油 几个方法教你轻松去除
Soak the affected area in soapy water and use the pumice stone to gently buff the tar2012-12-07 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 地毯滴上蜡油 小小妙招轻松去除
Candle wax makes a right mess on carpets, and is a devil to remove.2013-01-01 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 衣服沾上蔬菜油 简单方法轻松去除
Tackle vegetable oil stains on your clothes by using one of these stain-busting techniques.2013-01-25 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 衣服粘上强力胶 简单方法轻松去除
使用以下简单的方法,除掉粘在衣服上的强力胶。用冷水冲洗粘上强力胶的衣物。2013-02-13 编辑:qihui
[美容时尚英语] 温和方法去除黑头 面部皮肤光洁无瑕
Don’t squeeze that blackhead! There’s a gentler way to get rid of it, and several steps you can take to prevent new ones from forming.2013-02-20 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 轻松去除青草痕迹 尽享大自然乐趣
After rolling down the hill or sliding into second base, it's time to tackle those grass stains.2013-03-01 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 保护衣物 巧用阿司匹林去除汗渍
辛苦地忙碌了一天,又大汗淋漓地赶回家,汗渍摧毁了你的白衬衣?不要气馁,你可以尝试一种方法,用阿司匹林就可以了。2013-03-05 编辑:qihui
[美容时尚英语] 白醋去除鞋子盐渍 干净亮泽更舒适
如果你看到鞋子上出现盐渍导致的难看的白色印记,不要惊慌。如果你快速采取措施的话,去除盐渍的方法很简单。2013-03-15 编辑:qihui
[美容化妆] 肯尼迪女儿疑去除纹身 有望成为时尚
随着卡罗琳•肯尼迪(Caroline Kennedy)的政治热情日趋高涨(10月份,美国参议院正式同意其担任驻日大使),她肘部的蝴蝶纹身似乎在慢慢淡出视线,更多地藏身于香奈儿(Chanel)长袖2013-12-20 编辑:shaun