[职场双语] 职场双语:90后初入职场那些事儿
Wang Fengfeng was a graphic design major at the Communication University of China, Nanjing. She quit her job at a state-owned company after a two-month internship.王凤凤(音译)是来自中国传媒大学南广2012-08-02 编辑:justxrh
[他她话题] 送人玫瑰手有余香:为别人做10件美好的事儿
Although it's good to focus on your own happiness, it's always beneficial to spread the joy around. In fact, studies have shown that people who perform kind acts see a boost in mood.2012-08-07 编辑:justxrh
[] 春节那些事儿之点亮春节
1970-01-01 编辑:
[关注社会] 新年那些事儿之点亮春节
在春节第一天或此后不久,大家都穿着新衣服,带着弓向亲戚和朋友打招呼并恭喜(祝贺),彼此祝愿在新的一年里好运,幸福。在中国农村,有些村民可能有数以百计的亲戚,所以他们不得不拿出两个多星期来走亲访友。2014-02-04 编辑:spring