[科技新闻] 机场X光机"吃了"我的包
In recent years, there has been a welter of complaints among Americans about heavy-handed airport security procedures. Little wonder: since 2001, the US has heavily increased overall homeland securit2012-06-12 编辑:justxrh
[健康生活] 健康生活:体重暗示影响"吃多少"
How much food people consume can be influenced by subtle cues about weight that aren't consciously perceived, according to a novel chocolate-tasting study in the journal Appetite.《食欲》(App2012-07-02 编辑:justxrh
[健康生活] 吃得少活得久 每餐6分饱多活20年
Eating 40 per cent less food could extend a person's life by 20 years, according to scientists.科学家的研究表明,人类若少吃40%的食物,寿命可能会延长20年。Researchers at the Institute of Healt2012-07-11 编辑:justxrh
[脑筋转转转] 脑筋转转转 第81期:狮子为什么吃生肉?
Why do lions eat raw meat?狮子为什么吃生肉?2013-01-14 编辑:Magi
[脑筋转转转] 脑筋转转转 第87期:什么东西有牙齿却不能吃东西?
What has teeth but can't eat? 什么东西有牙齿却不能吃东西?2013-01-20 编辑:Magi
[健康幸福] 都市达人快乐秘籍 吃东西也能减压
Next time you feel stressed and reach for your favorite comfort foods, do yourself a favor and consider a healthy choice with the power to reduce tension.2013-01-28 编辑:qihui
[脑筋转转转] 脑筋转转转 第98期: 哪两样东西不能当早饭吃?
What two things can't you have for breakfast? 哪两样东西不能当早饭吃?2013-02-02 编辑:Magi
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:美食有约,绕不开的"吃"话题
民以食为天,美食总是充满着无限的诱惑力,关于吃,怎么用英语表达呢?2013-07-10 编辑:spring
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:美味当前,“吃”的众生相
日积月累学口语:民以食为天,美食的诱惑总是很大,但美味当前,“吃”的众生相也是不尽相同的。2013-08-20 编辑:spring
[大千世界] 吃货要当心:盘点10件吃引发的囧事
不久前一位女士在吃超级三层芝士堡时下颌意外脱臼。由此我们总结出十大食物引起的人身伤害。2013-08-24 编辑:kelly
[BBC新闻词汇视频讲解] BBC新闻词汇(视频版) 第69期:Eating insects吃昆虫
To some, they may not seem very appetising.But these bugs could be part of the solution in the fight against world hunger.2013-09-13 编辑:Andersen
[少儿英语学单词] 少儿英语学单词四年级 第1课:吃和奔跑!
少儿英语学单词原版书四年级第1本:Eat and Run! 吃和奔跑!本课介绍了在恶劣的天气中赶雪橇狗拉雪橇的情形,学习完后,完成课后的问题。2013-12-28 编辑:Jasmine
[走遍美国新世纪版] 璧伴亶缇庡浗Lesson01-5 浣犳兂鍚冪偣浠
Ah! Miss Stewart! Welcome! 嗨 Stewart小姐 换队?How are you? 好吗Fine, Somsak. And you? 很好 Somsak 你呢Fine, thank you. 很好 谢谢 。This is my friend Harry Bennett. 这是我的朋友Harry Bennett。Please2012-06-05 编辑:echo
[鹅妈妈童谣集(字幕版)] 快快烤个蛋糕給我吃
放在烤箱里,给我和宝宝2019-10-23 编辑:Andersen
[大叔教你学初级英语] 第104期:孩子们的美食故事时间到了
这里是史蒂夫和麦琪的《哇,英语!》节目。2021-04-21 编辑:Vicki
[少儿每周一词] 糖果
糖果是我们吃的一种由糖做成的东西。2021-07-16 编辑:shixiaoye
[Ez talk美语会话志] Ez talk美语会话志:第70期 They're not edible 不过不能
At the Di Hua Street fruit standRobert: Wow! Your fruit looks really fresh! How much are these apples? Fruit Vendor: The apples are 30NT each. How many would you like? Robert: Let's see, 30NT is..2011-06-28 编辑:sunny