[开心一笑] 开心一笑:全球变暖的真正原因
I don't know what causes global warming, but I've noticed it always gets a lot warmer when I pee.啥是影响全球变暖的原因,偶是不懂滴~不过,每次我在尿尿时,的确感到周围有那么一些变暖了……2012-03-21 编辑:jasmine
[开心一笑] 惩罚的原因
Reason of PunishmentOne day a little girl came home from school, and said to her mother, Mommy, today in school I was punished for something that I didn't do. The mother exclaimed, But that&a2012-06-05 编辑:justxrh
[三级写作] 2012PETS三级作文模板:原因解释型
2012PETS三级作文简化版模板:原因解释型 原因解释型 1. 给出一个事实,要求解释它的原因。 陈述这个事实 As is know by all, …… Among countless factors which contribute to XXX, there exist thr2011-06-01 编辑:echo
[托福口语辅导] 揭秘99%考生托福口语低分原因
托福口语低分原因:中国学生托福口语和雅思口语的低分原因是有些共性的,99%的就是一而再再而三在看起来都是一些非常普遍的表达上犯错,造成了托福口语低分。下面,为您整理99%的托福考生和雅思考生在口语方面所2012-06-04 编辑:Daisy
[他她话题] 靠谱研究:女生爱耍小脾气的八大原因
8 Things You Should Know About GIrls关于女生你应该知道的八件事:1.Girls are more childish than guys. This is a plain fact! In as much as every person has some level of childishness in them, studies h2012-07-23 编辑:justxrh
[快乐职场] 职场之外有世界:经济危机的人文原因
This film is designed to give insight into the causes of financial crisis. So, follow along and learn what activities precipitate financial decline.今天的这个视频只要是想要大家对经济危机的内在原因有一2012-07-23 编辑:Amosway
[落跑新娘] 电影随身听附讲解:《落跑新娘》(22) 玛琪去找艾基解释逃跑原因
原文视听Is it okay that I’m here? 我来这里没问题吧I don’t have much choice in the matter, do l? 我没有选择余地了But, I can’t speak for Italics. Traitor. 我不能代它发言嘛,卖“主”求荣!I don’t blam2012-07-25 编辑:jennyxie
[开心一笑] 闹饥荒的原因 The Reason of the Famine
在一次宴会上,一个资本家用遗憾的目光上下打量着瘦骨嶙峋的肖伯纳,一本正经地说:“看看你的模样,真叫人以为英国人都在挨饿。”2012-09-20 编辑:Jasmine
[科技新闻] 鸿海精密解释iPhone 5缺货原因
Apple has said its new iphone 5 sold faster initially than any other iPhone but sales have fallen short o2012-10-19 编辑:ivy
[健康幸福] 专家解释咳嗽的原因 怎样消除咳嗽症状
Doctor William Drysdale, in association with thanksdoctor.co.uk outlines why coughs exist and how to get rid of the2012-10-19 编辑:qihui
[留学生在中国] 留学生在中国 第38期:出国留学热 Why Study Abroad
Chapter 41 Why Study Abroad第41章 出国留学热You:These days more and more students choose to study abroad. What do2012-11-12 编辑:Jasmine
[27宜嫁] 听电影《27宜嫁》学英语第40期:新娘昂然步入会场
原文欣赏Oh,I don't remember it.How can you not remember that?我不记得。 I don't remember it. How can you not?怎可能? 不记得。2012-11-23 编辑:justdoit
[关注社会] 原因何在?诺贝尔科学奖,国人无法言说的痛
WHILE Japan was celebrating its 20th winner of the Nobel Prize in October, this time in medicine for stem2012-11-25 编辑:spring
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴:用于询问理由或者原因(3)
Jack is likely to get fired this year.杰克今年会被解雇。What makes you so sure I don't have talent?你凭什么确定我没能力?2012-12-03 编辑:mike
[I am 闹挺] I'm 闹挺:迟到的原因 The Reason of Being Late
Teacher: Johnny, why are you late for school every morning? 老师:约翰尼,为什么你每天早晨都迟到?2012-12-08 编辑:Nic
[双语达人] 你问我答:为何末日预言如此热?
As predicted by the Mayans? Actually, as predicted by absolutely no Mayan prophecies ever2012-12-20 编辑:spring
[职场双语] 你不是老板的10个原因
你是否想知道为什么自己没有升迁到管理职位?原因可能就在以下10个中间。2013-01-26 编辑:ivy
[考研资讯] 英语口语面试问题对策:考研原因与未来规划
考研英语口语面试常见2大问题对策,考研原因:我们务必要让考官感到我们选择这个专业是经过深思熟虑的,是一个理性的选择而不是一时冲动。2013-01-29 编辑:Aimee
[职场英语百科] 职场英语:5大原因告诉你为什么你的生活没动力
也许你厌倦了太多失败的新年决心,也许最近你感觉没什么动力。下面几个原因告诉你你为什么没有动力。2013-02-04 编辑:Aimee
[双语达人] 刚拿的年终奖为何又没了:揭秘那些让你变穷的原因
每到过年走亲访友时,必不可少的就是攀比财富!人们总是习惯为入不敷出寻找各种借口:工资不够;朋友花钱的坏习惯影响了自己;深陷债务泥沼无法自拔。与之相对,我们要告诉你的是:你身为穷人的真正原因。2013-02-11 编辑:ivy