
时间:2007-4-5 22:35:00  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴


201. He has a large income.                         他有很高的收入。
202. He looks very healthy.                        他看来很健康。
203. He paused for a reply.                        他停下来等着回答。
204. He repaired his house.                        他修理了他的房子。
205. He suggested a picnic.                          他建议搞一次野餐。


A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?         (早上好,先生。我能帮你做点什么吗?)

B: I’d like to post these letters to America, and this parcel to Australia.


A: Do you want to register the parcel?            (你这个包裹要挂号吗?)

B: Yes, could you weight it for me, please?         (需要,请你帮我称一下好吗?)

A: It’s 20 pounds. Anything else?                 (20磅。还有什么事吗?)

B: No. How long will it take to get there?        (没有了。要多久能到?)

A: About two days. Here is your change.           (大概要两天。这是找你的钱。)

B: Thank you.                                     (谢谢。)


206. Heres a gift for you.                          这里有个礼物送给你。
207. How much do I have to pay?                     我该付多少钱?
208. I caught the last bus.                            我赶上了最后一班车。
209. What school did you graduate from?               你是从哪所学校毕业的?
210. Ill have to try that.                            我得试试这么做。


A: May I help you?                            (你需要什么?)

B: Do you have Harry Potter?                  (你们有《哈里波特》这本书吗?)

A: Sorry. It’s sold out now, but you can come back for it this Friday.


B: Are you sure?                               (你确定吗?)

A: Yes, I’m sure we’ll have it then.          (是的,我确信我们那时有货。)


The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.

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