Second Honeymoon ACT III

时间:2005-10-1 15:23:13  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
Second Honeymoon ACT III

years ago,
but through it all
we've shared our joys and tears.
There we are together.
Once upon a time,
reminding me of how
we used to be.
There we are together,
smiling at the camera.
Each day was bright
and new for us.
There we are,
the two of us,
and still we are together,
you and me.
Every photograph,
reminds me how I love you,
and how our love
gets better every day.
Every photograph reminds me
how the years just come and go.
And I can see our love grow
with every photograph.
Looking at our photographs,
I'm going back in time.
Watching every anniversary.
The pictures take me there again,
but we both looked so different then.
Could that really be you and me?
Every photograph
reminds me how I love you.
And I can see our love grow
with every photograph.

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