A Piece of Cake ACT I

时间:2005-10-1 13:20:02  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
A Piece of Cake ACT I

it's tough.
It's not easy. It's rough.
Really difficult. It's hard and it's tough.
It's not easy. It's difficult.
It's rough. It's very hard.
It's difficult. It's hard and it's tough. Tough. Tough.
I think aerobics is easy.
It's easy. No problem.
It's a piece of cake. No sweat.
My new exercise class is so hard.
It's not easy. It's rough. It's difficult. It's tough.
It's easy. I think aerobics is easy.
It's not easy.
Why are exercise classes so hard?
It's easy. I think aerobics is easy.
It's not easy.
It's a snap. A snap.
No, it's tough, tough, tough.

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