Grandpa's Trunk 祖父的行李箱 ACT III

时间:2005-10-1 13:18:18  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
Grandpa's Trunk 祖父的行李箱 ACT III

Malcolm Stewart is not alone anymore.
That's for sure.
In fact,
he'll have his family around him every day of his life now.
Finding some peace and quiet may be a little difficult.
But my father won't be lonely anymore.
He has me,
Philip Stewart, nearby and the rest of his family.
He has Ellen, his daughter-in-law.
You know, I met Ellen
when I was a student of the University of Michigan.
Later she became my wife.
We have three children now.
Our oldest son is a photographer.
Richard is very talented, like his grandfather.
Marilyn is talented too. She designs clothing.
Marilyn is Richard's wife
and she's also a sister-in-law to Susan.
Susan is my daughter.
Susan reminds us of her grandmother,
Bernice Cassidy Stewart, my mother.
She was kind, intelligent and loveable, like Susan.
Susan has two brothers, Richard and Robert.
We call him Robbie. He's our other son.
He loves his grandfather very much.
Well, that's our family, the Stewarts.
Did you follow me? Let's see.
Who is my daughter? That's it. Susan is my daughter.
How about this?
Who is Robbie's grandfather?
Malcolm is Robbie's grandfather.
Okay, who is Susan's sister-in-law?
Marilyn is Susan's sister-in-law.
That's right.
Well, that's our family and I love them all.

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