US “democracy” nothing but a fig leaf
美国的“民主”不是晚礼服,是遮羞布!丨 小象漫评
More than one week after the end of the “Summit for Democracy”, US politicians continue talking about it as if it was a magnificent costume.
“民主峰会”早已落幕 美国政客却还在谈“民主” 仿佛美国民主是一件华丽的礼服
Absurd. Their democracy was founded 200 years ago on the bones of indigenous and African people;
其实大家都知道 美国建国时确立的“民主” 只是白人当家作主 勋章下是原住民和黑人的累累白骨
Now it is filled with loopholes that US politicians make use of.
两百年运转下来 这套制度更是千疮百孔 被美国政客钻漏洞
The US-style democracy focuses on voting only, which has caused a split in society.
美式民主只重投票 导致美国社会撕裂严重
Its politicians just make empty pledges, without honoring them at all.
美式民主下 政客滥开空头支票 留下烂摊子只坑纳税人
The US’ failure to control the COVID-19 pandemic shows “democracy” is nothing but a fig leaf.
美国抗疫失败已经表明 对美国政客来说 “民主”不过是块遮羞布
Why are US politicians still trying to promote it worldwide, with guns in hand?
就这样充满漏洞的“民主”制度 美国还拿着枪满世界推销 却只让别国变得更糟
In holding the “Summit for Democracy” to try and humiliate China, they only humiliate themselves instead.
甚至召集“民主峰会” 本想让中国难堪 结果却是自己灰头土脸
It’s time US politicians stopped abusing the word “democracy”.
美国政客还是醒醒的好 别再让“民主”二字蒙羞