But he had never wanted to be the focus of the modern world's contradictions. It had been his trouble all along that, although driven by the desire to do something, he wanted to remain ordinary, to be left alone in peace.
These were incompatible goals, and there was no consistency in him. Only in his death did he finally behave truly as he had begun: the supreme individualist, shaking off society and acting so as to minimise its interference.
While Nineteen Eighty-Four, which so impressed him, held references to science and intelligence which made a telling counterpoint to his own ideas, there was a level on which Orwell was saying something very similar to himself.
Orwell would have cared little for the legacy of Bletchley Park, another development of the Ministry of Truth, nor for the computers being built by people utterly heedless of questions such as those of whose intelligence was to be mechanised, and what it was for.
Yet there was an underlying common bond: that of the few cubic centimetres within the skull which were all that could ever be called one's own, and which were to be defended at all costs against the ravages of the world.
For all his contradictory elements, Orwell did not lose faith in the capacity of Oldspeak to convey the truth; and his dream of the plain-speaking Englishman was close to Alan Turing's simple model of the mind—the vision of a science independent of human error.