That conclusion is predicated upon a careful review of the opinions of those best qualified to consider matters of security in Government, namely, the Intelligence agencies of the Government.
Through its experience of the Second World War, the American government had come to place great faith in Intelligence.
Following up the lead given by William Stephenson, it now had its own organisation for foreign spying and manipulation, the Central Intelligence Agency.
Much had changed since 1945, when America seemed set to revert to an isolated role guarding hemispheric interests.
British foreign policy since the war had always worked towards the retention of an American interest in Europe, although the planners of 1945 could hardly have imagined the form that this would take, now embodied in the North Atlantic Treaty and kindred agreements.
Rapidly shedding the pre-war innocence of worldly affairs, America now enjoyed through the CIA its opportunity to behave like every other nation state, only more so, and in particular to emulate the British secret service.
One difference, however, was that this organisation was not concealed from its legislators in the British manner, and so quite openly: