There was an element of resistance in his attitude towards this step,
because of the implication that there was something wrong with him, and in particular, that his homosexuality was something that should be changed.
The 1950s were, indeed, witnessing a powerful come-back of psychoanalysis,
and increasingly vocal claims to the effect that its techniques could eradicate homosexual desire.
并且有一种说法,说精神分析能够有效地根除同性恋欲望。But Greenbaum did not take such a view; homosexuality was not 'a problem' to him. He accepted Alan as a 'natural homosexual',
and as a Jungian, he did not consider human activities in terms of displaced or unconscious sexuality.
Rather, as a German refugee of 1939 with a Jewish father and Catholic mother, it was the psychology of religion that interested him most.
As with Jung himself, there was no devaluation of the intellect in Greenbaum's approach, and he was proud to know Alan as the inventor of the computer and as one who was working on the nature of life.
His emphasis, as with Jung, was on the integration of 'thinking' and 'feeling'.