In particular, the laws of the connection, as he put it, between the mind and the world, were yet unknown, and therefore called free.
These were Turing questions, in another form. In the January radio discussion he had said, 'Thinking is those mental processes we don't understand.'
Yet, wrote Tolstoy, however nonsensical the idea of free will,
without this conception of freedom not only would he be unable to understand life but he would be unable to live for a single moment.
Life would be intolerable because all man's aspirations, all the interest that life holds for him, are so many aspirations and strivings after greater freedom.
To imagine a man wholly destitute of freedom is the same thing as to imagine a man destitute of life.
For Alan Turing there remained one freedom, not perhaps one that Tolstoy would have had in mind. It was that of exiled pleasure.