Another paper15 described how the male hormone had been administered to a fourteen-year-old truant: For many years he had shrunk from personal contacts, been sensitive, shy and latterly more solitary.
Recently he had become morbidly preoccupied with thoughts on abstruse topics beyond his years, chiefly psychology and religion...
In the ward he read a lot, wrote many letters, helped with domestic jobs, showed interest in philosophy, but mixed little with others.
But after a course of the drug his religious and other preoccupations disappeared.
The drug was stopped and he was discharged, much improved.
Six months later he was reported to have a job at a printers, but still apt to speculate on religion, and to be readily teased by other youngsters.
Perhaps the fourteen-year-old Alan Turing would have benefited more from such scientific treatment than from the rough-and-ready team games.
On the other hand, it was the female hormone which according to this authority had been most useful in controlling occasional outbreaks of homosexual behaviour in the 12 to 16 age groups.