Koala Sleep Japan in Japan launched a nap space takeout service, converting the van into a bedroom and driving to a company that needs rest.
近日,日本Koala Sleep Japan公司推出了午睡空间外卖服务,将面包车改装成卧室,开往需要休息的人的公司。
Since September 3, it has been officially offered free services to some enterprises, and on September 22, it has been offered to the public.
Koala Sleep Japan, a sleep technology company based in Sydney, Australia and founded by Daniel Milham, aims to revolutionize the bedding industry.
Koala Sleep Japan是一家总部位于澳大利亚悉尼、创始人是丹尼尔·米勒姆的睡眠科技公司,以床上用品的改革为目标。
According to the introduction, the interior environment of the car is very good: Koala mattress adopts double-layer structure, which combines low elasticity and high elasticity materials. Soft upper layer can fit the body. Hard lower layer material provides sleeping comfort.
In addition, it also provides iced coffee, ice sand, noise reduction headphones, towels and so on.
The service requires advance booking and can sleep for about 15 to 20 minutes.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, a 20-minute nap during the day can improve attention, performance and mood. Experiencers say sleeping on the table can cause low back pain, and sleeping on the bed is much better.