This, to Dorothy Sayers, made a reductio ad absurdum of determinism.
Dorothy Sayers did not know in 1941 that even the little Enigma machine was sufficiently unpredictable to keep hundreds of people in employment.
He was certainly fascinated by the fact that a machine like the Delilah key generator could be perfectly deterministic at one level, while producing something apparently 'random' at another. It gave him a model for reconciling determination and free-will.
But this did not go very far. It was the capacity of machines to learn that he saw as the crux of the argument. A learning machine would part company altogether with the 'mere machine' of common parlance.
The objection from Godel's theorem he answered in the same way as he had in 1947, by separating 'intelligence' from 'infallibility'.
This time he gave an example of how the intelligent approach could be wrong, and the accurate one stupid:
It is related that the infant Gauss was asked at school to do the addition 15 + 18 + 21 + ...+ 54 (or something of the kind) and that he immediately wrote down 483, presumably having calculated it as (15 + 54) (54—12)/2.3 ...One can ...imagine a situation where the children were given a number of additions to do, of which the first 5 were all arithmetic progressions, but the 6th was say 23 + 34 + 45 ...+ 100 +112+ 122 ...+ 199.
Gauss might have given the answer to this as if it were an arithmetic progression, not having noticed that the 9th term was 112 instead of 111.
This would be a definite mistake, which the less intelligent children would not have been likely to make.