The winter was spent on various topics, none with all-absorbing attention.
The numerical analysis paper—the only published evidence of his ACE work—was finished in November.
Most of all he wanted to understand more about 'thinking'. Somehow the brain did it—but how?
Contemporary physiologists had only the faintest ideas about neural stimuli and responses.
He went to R.H. Adrian's lectures, but was disappointed.
Chemistry and physics were at last pushing their way into biology, but his whole thesis lay in a different kind of description, the logical description of the nervous system, for which chemistry and physics were only the medium.
He conveyed his disappointment to Peter Matthews, a very sharp undergraduate, one of the few who had come to Cambridge at eighteen, with whom he went to the physiology lectures.
They would talk long over lunch and over mugs of cocoa in the evenings, since they lived on the same staircase.
Jim Wilkinson would visit Cambridge from time to time, and kept Alan informed as to the developments, or lack of them, back at Teddington. The news was that of cuts, crises, and an ever-narrowing vision.
At a meeting in November, they had abandoned many of the advanced ideas for the ACE, including the 'abbreviated code instructions'.
An edict from Darwin had stopped Huskey's Test Assembly, because of complaints from Thomas.
The ACE section was reduced to the writing of a report on their numerical analysis and programming work.