The best dates for me would be either the beginning of September or the beginning of July.
The last year or two I have taken to running rather a lot.
This is a form of compensation for not having been good at games at school.
The application at present is that I have a Marathon race on August 23 and do not want to upset my training by sailing in August or late July.
In the spring Alan had tried himself out against much stronger competition than that of the local suburban clubs.
In the Southern Counties ten-mile championship of 22 February he had done 'very badly', but two weeks later at the National ten-mile event had come in sixty-second place out of three hundred runners.
The Marathon race to which he referred brought out his endurance training to better advantage, and in fact he would come in fifth place.
With a time of 2 hours, 46 minutes, 3 seconds he was only thirteen minutes behind the winner.
Behind the off-hand words about 'running rather a lot', he had taken it very seriously.
His letter to Fred continued with an equally off-hand reference to the war:
I heard rumours at B.P. from time to time that you were coming there, and was disappointed that nothing came of it. You didn't really miss anything.
Alan went to Bosham at the end of June and fixed up a September holiday.