At the same time, Alan managed to make a few experiments of his own in the cellar of Teddington Hall, the Mathematics Division building, and explained some electronics to Mike Woodger.
He had devised circuits to transmit and receive pulses along a delay line, and a system to probe the circuit so as to examine the shape of the pulse on an oscilloscope.
The NPL had nothing in the way of a machine to do this elementary engineering task, so, as at Hanslope, he had made one for himself.
The whole thing involved mounting four or five valves on a breadboard, and no more. He had no delay line to work with.
A little later, coming back from lunch, he spotted a drainpipe lying in the long grass, and had someone help carry it back for him to try out as an air delay line.
Don Bayley and 'Jumbo' Lee came and saw this 'dog's breakfast' of an outfit in March or April 1947.
Alan took Don for a walk round the grounds and complained bitterly of how he had been thwarted.
Alister Watson, philosopher now turned radar expert, visited the NPL on business and heard Alan complain that 'they say I don't understand magnetism!'
Francis Price from Princeton days, whose family lived at Teddington, heard out his acrid comments on how the administration denied him the most standard pieces of equipment for experiment.