The British government was well-disposed to finding scientific solutions to its problems, and had announced on 5 February a grand plan to plant its East African colonies with groundnuts.
The ACE, likewise, though it represented only a fraction of the investment in the groundout scheme, was still in 1947 a highly progressive project.
It was just what the left-wing pressure groups had called for in the 1930s, with the state taking over the development of new science and technology instead of leaving it to the caprice of commerce.
Blackett, as president of the Association of Scientific Workers, was at the vanguard of this movement.
Blackett himself, by enticing F.C. Williams to work on a pure-mathematical computer at Manchester, had not exactly helped the national plan.
Darwin's position was more paradoxical still. Whether for hereditary or other reasons, he held the right-wing views of a Social Darwinist, taking a dim view of the welfare state.
('The policy of paying most attention to the inferior types is the most inefficient way possible of achieving the perfectibility of the human race.') His recipe for progress, or rather for a check to what he considered to be European racial suicide, was that men who had been 'promoted' should endeavour to have more children than others.
Yet the dispensations of the NPL resembled less the jungle of cut-and-thrust competition than the ham-fisted management of the Soviet Union.
They did not create an environment in which variety and initiative could long survive.