The administrators, by this time, were concerned to reduce to a minimum the exposure of Alan Turing to the outside world.
There had already been enough embarrassment in the newspapers.
Thus Womersley suggested to Darwin that 'Dr Turing, rather than explaining his machine to a number of isolated people on many different occasions, should conserve his time by giving a course of lectures intended primarily for those who will be concerned with the technical development of the machine.
Such a course was indeed arranged to take place on Thursday afternoons during December and January at the Adelphi, headquarters of the Ministry of Supply.
The invitations, less than twenty-five in all, went to the relevant electronic engineers, component manufacturers, military departments, and to a few others already in the know.
The scene was set for a British equivalent of the Moore School lectures, although the setting was subtly different.
According to an NPL memorandum, there was to be ample time after Alan's exposition for 'Discussion—in particular, criticism of Dr Turing's technical proposals.'
They did not trust him to know what he was talking about.
Criticism was, in any case, inevitable; for by this time several of those who attended had ideas of their own, and no inclination to be fitted into the Turing plans. Wilkes wrote
later that he found Turing very opinionated and considered that his ideas were widely at variance with what the main stream of computer development was going to be.
I may have gone to his second lecture but I certainly went to no more.
Hartree continued to go and insisted on giving me his notes, but I found them of little interest.