The official NPL press release, on 6 November, was very different in tone.
It presented the building of the ACE as a somewhat distant possibility, rather than being just round the corner.
Correctly it set the origin of the ACE in Alan's 'severely mathematical paper' of 1936, and explained how electronic switching provided the speed to make such a machine practical.
It explained the superiority of the ACE over the ENIAC, through its large memory store, and referred to the work already done on programming instruction tables.
But the cost had now risen to a figure 'in the region of 100,000 pounds to 125,000 pounds' and it was stated that 'It will be two or three years before the completion of this machine can be hoped for, since its construction presents formidable problems, both mathematical and technical.'
但是其成本目前已经增长到"100, 000到125, 000英镑",并且表示"预计仍需两到三年的时间才能完成,因为该项目在数学和工程方面都面临着巨大的难题。"
Now that this stirring if remote prospect had at last been entrusted to the British public, the Daily Telegraph showed itself the most eager to spread the good tidings, which it imbued with a suitably patriotic flavour.
The headline BRITAIN TO MAKE A RADIO BRAIN/'Ace' Superior to US Model/ BIGGER MEMORY STORE appeared on 7 November, followed up next day with an account by its own reporter, who had interviewed Hartree, Womersley, and Alan at the NPL: