This incipient rivalry was further complicated by the fact that a third British electronic computer project was initiated in mid-1946.
This was the brainchild of M.V. Wilkes, Alan's fellow 'B-star' of 1934 who in 1945 had left wartime work at TRE to resume his position at the Mathematical Laboratory in Cambridge, of which he now became director.
He was in touch with Womersley at once, but the ENIAC and EDVAC plans were secret until the spring of 1946, and only then could Hartree tell him about what he had seen in 1945.
Hartree then also arranged for him to attend a course of lectures arranged by the ENIAC team at Philadelphia in July and August 1946.
This course at the Moore School, together with the reports issued by von Neumann's group at the IAS, enjoyed very considerable influence upon the future development of computers.
For one thing, it brought about the first federal funding for a machine on the lines of the EDVAC.
A certain James T. Pendergrass represented the Navy's CS AW, and reported back13 upon the virtue of a universal machine, as opposed to the special purpose equipment which had 'often proved to be expensive and time-consuming.'
(Presumably Travis had been given the same analysis a year earlier.)
For another, it inspired Wilkes with great enthusiasm for putting his wartime electronic experience to work in building a British version of the EDVAC.
Alan, in contrast, remained unaffected by the American developments, and they by him.
In growth as in conception they were independent.
There was a little indirect contact between the ν PL and the American group.
Hartree had made a visit to the ENIAC in the summer of 1946, being allowed to use it himself, and took with him a copy of the ACE report and a 'third version' of the ACE design.
But its programming ideas made no obvious impression upon the Americans.