Newman's application was for a grant to cover the capital cost and five years of salaries for an electronic computer.
The Royal Society set up a committee to investigate the application for a grant, consisting of Blackett, Darwin, Hartree, and two pure mathematicians, Hodge from Cambridge and Whitehead from Oxford.
Darwin opposed it on the grounds that the ACE was to serve the needs of the country.
Womersley had expressed the particular fear that Newman would steal Flowers away from the ACE.
But he was outvoted, for it was approved that there should be 'a different type of machine' for Newman's project.
On 29 May the Treasury allocated 35,000 pounds to Newman.
5月29日,财政部给纽曼拨款35, 000英镑。
The rationale was that as 'fundamental science', his proposal fell into the orbit of the Royal Society, and did not conflict with the DSIR.
It meant that a rather surprising breath of mathematical innocence was felt again, with a computer development not required for weaponry.
It so happened that Blackett knew F.C. Williams from before the war, when they had collaborated on an automatic curve-tracer for the differential analyser.
Both Darwin and Newman, therefore, were looking to Williams to help them 'jump in ahead of America', and Darwin's plan for a single national computer installation had already been undermined.
The question of who was going to build the ACE remained unresolved while Williams decided between these suitors.