Donald Trump has agreed to a meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in the coming weeks, a breakthrough in relations between two nations that just months ago appeared on the brink of conflict.
唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)已同意在未来几周与朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)会晤,这是两国关系的一个突破。仅仅几个月前,两国关系还处于冲突的边缘。
Why a summit is a big deal
No US president has ever met a leader of North Korea. As commander-in-chief, Mr Trump will be able to talk directly to Mr Kim, potentially building trust and cutting out the painstaking process of shuttling messages between emissaries. North Korea has put on the table the prospect of abandoning its nuclear programme — a top foreign policy objective for Mr Trump.
Potential pitfalls
North Korea has a long history of offering to denuclearise only to renege on its promises after dragging out arduous negotiations. As part of its recent overtures to Seoul and Washington, the Kim regime has agreed to stop testing its long-range missiles. But it is likely that North Korean scientists and technicians are still working on Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons programme. From the US perspective, a May summit leaves little time to prepare and Washington is already missing a host of top diplomats and specialists who work on North Korea.
How we got here
While news of the summit comes has surprised many observers, the event was months in the making. For the past year, Washington has exerted unprecedented pressure on the Kim regime through sanctions and diplomatic isolation. These punitive measures were likely to have coaxed Mr Kim to the table. The process of diplomacy, meanwhile, has been spearheaded by South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who used last month’s Winter Olympics to extend an olive branch to Pyongyang. The offer of the summit was extended to Mr Trump via a South Korean envoy, who visited Mr Kim earlier in the week.
尽管峰会的消息让许多观察人士感到意外,但它已经酝酿了数月时间。在过去一年里,华盛顿通过制裁和外交孤立对金氏政权施加了前所未有的压力。这些惩罚性措施很可能说服金正恩回到谈判桌前。与此同时,韩国总统文在寅(Moon Jae-in)开启了外交进程,他利用上月的冬奥会将橄榄枝递给平壤。峰会提议是通过最近访问金正恩的韩国特使团转达给特朗普的。
Who stands to gain
On the surface, it is a win-win situation for all leaders. Mr Trump demonstrates that his signature foreign policy initiative is making headway. Mr Kim garners domestic prestige and the international spotlight from meeting a US president for the first time. Mr Moon reaps the rewards of successful diplomacy and the benefits of reduced tension on the Korean peninsula, which months ago appeared close to conflict. Trouble may arise later, however, if talks begin to flounder.
Likelihood of success
For Mr Kim, simply hosting the meeting will count as a success as it will generate prestige and legitimacy for the reclusive regime. For the US leader, the equation is more complex. Experts are sceptical that Pyongyang will genuinely give up its nuclear programme, which it views as a deterrent to US aggression. The regime may promise to do so but history shows it has a poor record of upholding such pledges. In 1994 it signed the Agreed Framework to freeze its plutonium weapons programme in exchange for aid. The deal collapsed in 2002 amid US intelligence revelations that the regime was secretly pursuing a uranium enrichment programme. In 2005 Pyongyang committed to de-nuclearisation following multilateral talks; it tested its first nuclear device the very next year.
对于金正恩来说,仅仅迎接并会晤美国总统就算得上成功,因为它将给这个与世隔绝的政权带来威望和合法性。对于美国领导人来说,盘算更为复杂。专家们对平壤是否会真正放弃核武计划持怀疑态度——朝鲜认为拥有核武器会威慑美国,使其不敢侵略自己。平壤政权可能承诺放弃核武,但历史表明,它在信守此类承诺方面的记录不佳。1994年,它签署了冻结其钚武器计划的《框架协议》(Agreed Framework)以换取援助。2002年,美国情报部门发现朝鲜政权秘密推进铀浓缩计划,协议因此告吹。2005年,平壤在多边会谈后承诺弃核,却在第二年就进行了首次核试验。