He found himself attached to Dillwyn Knox, the Senior Assistant, and to young Peter Twinn, a physics postgraduate from Oxford, who had joined as a new permanent Junior when a vacancy was advertised in February.
Alan would be allowed to take back to King's some of the work they were doing on the Enigma.
He said he 'sported his oak' when he studied it, as well he might.
It was wise of Denniston not to wait until hostilities opened before letting his reserve force see the problems.
But they were getting nowhere. A general knowledge of the Enigma machine was not enough upon which to base an attack.
It would have amazed Mrs Turing, if she had known that her younger son was being entrusted with state secrets.
Alan had by this time developed a skilful technique for dealing with his family, and his mother in particular.
They all thought of him as devoid of common sense, and he in turn would rise to the role of absent-minded professor.
'Brilliant but unsound', that was Alan to his mother, who undertook to keep him in touch with all those important matters of appearance and manners,
such as buying a new suit every year (which he never wore), Christmas presents, aunts' birthdays, and getting his hair cut.
She was particularly quick to note and comment on anything that smacked of lower-middle-class manners.